FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 969

in short ...

April up.
May down.
June up to 1.1440. )

thank you!

ok. we'll see. (according to my observations, it only adds up)

By the way, the CME is trading on Saturday, so the forecast for Monday (the beginning of trading) is Sunday. It's there you'll get a signal with 100% accuracy, and then you will need to keep watching.

ok. we'll see. (from my observations, it only adds up)
here's the one on April.
I take until the first minus .

OI OI_CH Level Volumes
139 -9 1,1068 39
8 0 1,1076 1
5 0 1,1096 0
113 0 1,1109 2
28 23 1,1125 31
149 132 1,1144 194
560 513 1,1166 577
1030 874 1,1192 1323
827 372 1,1221 959
1281 327 1,1254 906
1598 320 1,1291 837
1722 313 1,133 908
1804 111 1,1372 349
2935 24 1,1416 355
1477 11 1,1461 256
2698 -25 1,1508 221
2793 13 1,1556 249
2959 -32 1,1604 316
2082 8 1,1653 69
2102 -1 1,1702 128
630 -32 1,1752 55
630 -24 1,1802 60
623 -12 1,1851 99
635 0 1,1901 54
414 0 1,1951 0
554 -7 1,2001 25

ok. we'll see. (From my observations, it only adds up)
I had the same thing with Ishim ! ? )

Thanks !
Here's the one from April.
I'll take it to the first negative.

you're not watching March?

(I'm running my own program just for fun. Let's see what's up...)

So there's more calls. We'll go up. But the pound is the other way round.


you're not watching March?

(I'm running my own program for fun. Let's see what's up...)

short, there's more calls. Let's go up.

i'm not watching march.
Here is the variant. That is, the price wants to go up.
Now we need to find out where up is coming from ).

I don't watch March.
Here's a variant like this. So the price wants to go up.
Now we have to find out where up is coming from ).

It will go straight there, if Saturday's trading does not change the picture)))) only to where - it is unknown. most likely, until there are more puts))

Ok Tuma, bye! Check the picture before the opening of trading on the SME website, guessing now is useless.


It will go straight there, if Saturday's trading does not change the picture)))) only to where - it is unknown. most likely, until there are more puts))

Ok Tuma, bye! Check the picture before the opening of trading on the SME website, guessing now is useless.

Let's go to bed )
14:53 *U.S. Congressional Budget Office estimates that the Treasury Department will prevent the debt limit from being exceeded until October or November with emergency measures
14:51 *U.S. Treasury Department to suspend issuance of government securities
14:50 *U.S. government debt is due to reach the limit on March 16, and emergency measures are needed to avoid it

14:48 *U.S. Treasury Department to implement "extraordinary measures" on March 13 to ensure that the debt limit is not exceeded


Potatoes are cheap, will you buy them? )
Potatoes are cheap, will you buy? )

ECB chief Draghi: We will start buying government bonds on 9 March

Will get even cheaper


will be interesting in next week's sell- ing Yen: