FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 968

who are you?

or Tol ?

Thank you !))

like who?





Or Tol?
Tol will answer for himself if he sees fit. )))
So I'm calm. )) You can't count on luck. You have to work. A lot of work. )))
And you're right.

Like who?

You, of course. After all, everyone is responsible for himself, as nothing can be known for others. )))

And here is how the levels of puts and calls are positioned (and always so - top are calls, bottom are puts, the thicker and brighter the line, the higher the volume, in blue - kotir, also a screenshot outdated):

The main thing you can see here is that the price is always crawling along the boundary between puts and calls, and that levels with high volumes do not indicate anything good.

surprisingly, if you look at the CME website ,
there's an overhang on the June stakes.
1,1350 strike. And in the report it is overweight on stakes.

Who's lying?

Thank you !
surprisingly, if you look at the CME website ,
there's an overhang on the June stakes.
1,1350 strike. And in the report it is overweight on stakes.

Who's lying?

Thank you!
no one is lying. the volumes are changing all the time. it's just that the report is outdated, and the data on the website with a 10 minute delay is more up to date at the moment...
no one is lying. the volumes change all the time. it's just that the report is out of date and the data on the website with a 10 minute delay is more up-to-date at the moment...
I figured it out. I didn't set the number right in the software.
It all adds up.
I figured it out. I didn't set the number correctly in the software.
It all adds up.
But the euro will converge about 8 times out of 10, due to the delay, and the movements such as today's can be predicted almost at the very beginning.

April up.
May down.
June up to 1.1440. )

thank you!