FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 824

I'll be quiet....
Why *? share ...this is a forum
Why *? share ...this is a forum
Posted my extended opinion yesterday, today Myth, Strange, what else to add....
Yesterday I posted my extended opinion, today it's a myth, what more to add...
Excuse me, could you please copyright it or give me a page number?

Do you want the dashes from the ring to the ring with the time of the inputs/outputs? Which you also deny to the public. Alas, no.

And to tell the fairy tales which here and sputter, without formalisation and explanations, it is senseless, because it is possible to result the theories under it all in plenty. And to argue until blue in the face whose theory is better, it makes no sense, because the proof in words can not be, and to prove with dough no one will prove.

P.S. Glory to russia!

I have proved it more than once=) with money and other things. it enhances himself in his own eyes.
Excuse me, could you do a copyright or a page number please?
I told you, yesterday, in this thread, if you're too lazy to look, I'm even lazier...
I told you, yesterday, in this thread, if you're too lazy to look, I'm even more so...
Why would you be lazy? I always appreciate a man's opinion.

Myth, a complete resonance on the moon...

what's the resonance? =) a rebound from support... i said i won't buy it, that doesn't mean it won't go up...i'll look for selling points, not buying ones=)

I'll look for points to sell, not to buy.

i can't say that the old one is showing and the tactic is working out based on history=) he started drawing it in a month, while i have several years of history =)

Why are you being lazy? I always appreciate a man's opinion.
Now show on the graph) (resonance data)

what's the resonance? =) rebound from support... i said i wouldn't buy it, that doesn't mean it won't go up. i'll look for sell points, not buy ones=)

I'll look for points to sell, not to buy.

i can't say that the old one is showing and the tactic is being worked out based on history=) he started drawing it for a month, while i have several years of history =)

Resonance of opinions, if anything.....
It will show on the graph now)
Everything remains the same as expected