FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 738

I've bookmarked it - we'll be watching, can you show me the certificate?
You're an idiot, if you answer a question, at least try to keep it on topic.)

I used to post real time pictures almost every day, for the kamikaze intradayers, although I didn't need them personally

These are from yesterday.

And I said and will continue to say that only real PROTORGED volume is counted, not claimed volume. Whoever counts differently let them look at the dashes on the MT chart. MT metaquotes was originally designed as a scam, if you don't get it, I'm not a doctor).

I take it the pictures are a nuisance to suckers like you?

Why are you insulting me in every post if I'm not even talking to you? (do you want a war?) (until the insults stop, I will not discuss anything with you!)
put it in my bookmarks - let's watch, show me the certificate?

you're a log!!!! the account is closed =) watch out paleno =) agro-scholastic

Let me leave you at this point....

You're an asshole, if you answer a question, at least try to answer it in the right way.)
Can I see your certificate?

you're a log!!!! the account is closed =) watch out paleno =)

Let's call it a day at this point....

I thought we were losing money, but we're not. Good luck!
why are you insulting me in every post if i'm not even talking to you? (you want a war?) (until the insults stop, I'm not discussing anything with you!)

What is there to discuss with you? Do you really think I have anything to talk to you about by trade?)

Here, have this last handout.)


What is there to discuss with you? Do you really think I have anything to talk to you about by trade?)

Here, have one last handout.)

Monitoring Mythical removed from my bookmarks (((( do you have a link? Thanks for the pound - might come in handy for someone.
Monitoring Mythic removed from bookmarks (((( do you have the link? Thanks for the pound - maybe someone could use it.

Don't you want to suck a dick? Myth deleted because I realised there's nothing to prove to the wooden ones.

Have a good one.)

Don't you want a blow job? Myth deleted it because I realized there's nothing to prove to the wooden ones.
You're a long way from Myth.... (You won't live to see it.) (Look he (Myth) is about to sit... sit... - then he'll scratch his head and go back to his monitor. - I know psychology - that's for sure), and you just blah blah blah
Monitoring Mythical removed from bookmarks (((( but do you have the link? Thanks for the pound - might come in handy for someone.

No shit! 1,400 pips on kanadian is a loss! banal overstaying without stops ((((. (I also see a hedge on other pairs - the Canadian is insured - but there's no guarantee that it will work next time! - it's spread trading or whatever - a serious combined movement of currency pairs))))) (Leonid is a 4K specialist! That's why he's a Dickfix (that's the nickname - holy crap)))