FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 692

I don't agree with that either. But why argue? Next week, I think, will decide everything. )
Yeah I'm not arguing with HIM, but HOW the pound's pleas for 46 and what he suddenly wants there would look)))))))))))))))
Anyway, should I not write anything else? Should I not show why I think so?
Of course you do. )
Yeah I'm not arguing with HIM, but HOW the pound's pleas for 46 look and why it suddenly wants to go there, would look)))))))))))))))
Maybe a trend? Well, there's not much to go on. )
1.5440- 1.5080 - 1.5310 - 1.4760
Teacher, show me how he begs...
you can piss all you want...
1.5440- 1.5080 - 1.5310 - 1.4760
Tried to break it down on the chart... Very doubtful, sorry...
I've been trying to graph it... Very doubtful, sorry...

Well then join the pygmies and start booing

Tried to break it down on a graph... Very doubtful, sorry...
1.5440- 1.5080 - 1.5310 - 1.4760
Use at least the Fibonacci levels (a variant for wave traders, let's say) and you will get
At least use the Fibonacci levels ( a variant for waveformers say) and you will discover

What the hell are you doing? I thought they were extinct. )))) (dinosaurs)

What the fuck are you betting on black? You'll get it now. (if it's not zero)

Well then join the pygmies and start booing

)) I don't see the point in interfering with your interesting discussion. That's not why I'm here. )
