FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 613


Going to the baths

Karni show)

That's because he' s very old and retarded)))

Yeah, well...

Karni show)
So do you honour the Master???
So do you honour the Master?
I don't even know how to answer.)
I don't even know how to answer.)
Oooh, so you're a heretic?))

Please give me your levels by day for the last ten days for the pound or the last 10 levels in order
And you're sure, it's just that his strategy contradicts yours, and he's used to blaspheming all strategies that are not like yours, I told you - you both work in profit and your systems contradict, which is actually already up to the experience
I'm just trying to show them that the price chart in MT is just a price chart and it's very difficult to trade on it, if at all, and certainly not intraday. These "strategies" are nothing more than guesswork.
Please tell me your levels by day for the last ten days for the pound or the last 10 levels in order

The screenshot is from the last 4 days, since Monday.

Levels are half the battle, the main thing is the direction, levels are just an entry point from them.

I'm just trying to make them understand that a price chart in MT is just a price chart and trading on it is very difficult, if not impossible, and certainly not intraday. These "strategies" are nothing more than guesswork.
I'm trying to explain that you can take the stairs to the 10th floor and the freight lift to get the fridge, the main thing is that it will stand still.