FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 574


It's all a play on words, about nothing.

So why isn't the pound going down if there are more sales?)


if there are more sales it would make more sense if the price goes up so the broker can re-sell. What is selling for you is buying for the broker.




if there are more sales, it makes more sense if the price goes up so the broker can re-sell. What is selling for you is buying for the broker.


A broker is just a middleman who makes profit from commissions, spreads and the like, he does not sell or buy anything of his own, he just executes clients' orders.


if there are more sales, it makes more sense if the price goes up so the broker can re-sell. What is selling for you is buying for the broker.


What does the broker have to do with it?
What's a broker got to do with it?
I wonder. The local gentlemen are sure that the price is being driven by kitchen or toy DCs???
A broker is just an intermediary who makes a profit from commissions, swaps and the like, he does not sell or buy anything of his own, he just executes clients' orders.
If the broker gives you a leverage, it means he has a stake. Without leverage you can speculate on bank accounts, but it is not the same.
you do not know the principle of depletion - depletion is a pair of unequal orders with a loss inside and they are replaced at the exit to profit by a smaller one - i.e. the depletion of the loss. (Example: 0.05 - 0.04 - price reached 0.05 - change it to 0.03 - price reached 0.04 - change it to 0.02.) )
Don't worry, Sensei, he'll get used to depreciation with elements of sadomasochism...
If a broker gives you leverage, he's in on it. Without leverage, you can speculate in bank accounts, but it's not the same.
Share with who?)
If the broker gives you the leverage, he must be in on the action. Without leverage you can speculate on bank accounts, but it is not the same.

Most brokerage houses don't even put money on the interbank. How do you move the price in that case?


You are listening to the wrong people ((((, the price should be analysed as a whole - here it goes against the position and think.... (If you look for buyers - sellers in the price and weigh them, guess their desires and see who wins - it's a show - it does not help you)
Broker what was the question.