FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 441


I'm telling you seriously and you think what you want. I'm not going to buy it, enough selling on the euro aad, just stating a fact.

Buying from the 5030-50 range in 2-3 hours.

As for "there is more than here", how do you determine this, by the method of the teacher, by poke?)))

Strange, I thought, why the fuck should I think every day? I sold after the referendum, wrote, shit, hold the pose.
Strange, I thought, why the fuck should I think every day? I sold out after the referendum, pylal fucking pose hold.

Those are wise words, old man)))

Like I say - fuck running around the field)



Old one, let's talk about the rand. I've sold a lot, I'm worried.



Old one, let's talk about the rand. I've sold a lot, I'm worried.

Damn, the North put up a whole gallery for you yesterday, we agreed on the yellow option)))
Damn, yesterday the North posted a whole gallery for you, we agreed on the yellow version)))
who did? you got a brain and a strategy? have you read physics? how?
Who's got a brain and a strategy? Have you read physics, by the way? How?
I have, I've been thinking about such things for a long time. In a nutshell "what was, is, and what is, will be")
I've been thinking about these things for a long time. In a nutshell, "what was, is, and what is, will be").
It's funny, the menu had a specialist, we really solved Schroedinger's spectra. not everything is true. but everything that started with neutrinos I thought was obscurantism. I even looked at flyers from the collider.
Well, if you look at the problem in terms of commonplace erudition or through the lens of paradoxicality...
well, if you look at the problem in terms of banal erudition or through the prism of paradoxicality...

No Barabashkin on you, he'd have you for such foul language...


and you're talking about the pound...

it's really on the spectrum of people being decided...