FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 434


The Kuril bobtails at 15k wooden...

nice, you've counted four of them))

and why do you need forex when there's such a treasure here))


All right the yen lay on the support, here I have a limit triggered at 117.40 from a buy level, I have to see if it will go lower 117.00, if it bounces I will hold it till 123

He thinks so too, so the plans are the same

I wrote about 122 a long time ago on the yen. My long term target is achieved. A pullback to 100 is real... Need to find an idea to go there.

Who doesn't believe the 122, check out my post on 4...

the japanese went into a sprawling sideways sideways position for a year and a half.


a long time ago I wrote about 122 on the yen my long term goal is achieved. a pullback to 100 is real... I need to find an idea to go there.

Who doesn't believe in 122 look at my posts on 4...

The japanese have been in a sideways sprawl for a year and a half.



old one, don't be a sourpuss...

you don't know when i warned in '13 to fail at level 50-

and everyone laughed =) and then cried =)

and with my nets on the hawks and the eu-rays=)

my children, Strange, Myth, check out the rand of the month. it's a wonder what it is. you can drink jamison on the spreads every day. and when it goes, you can buy yachts.
my children, Strange, Myth, look at the rand from the month. it's a miracle what it is. you can drink jamison every day on spreads there. and when it goes, you can buy yachts.

not trading or analysing...

the ruble is slowly selling to 43


who can write a review in my signal...

A new idea is being tested in the public eye...


who can write a review in my signal...

A new idea is being tested in the public eye...

You want a review in a fortnight already?))) How many years has the teacher worked...
You want a review in a fortnight already?)) The teacher's been working for years...
I'm trying a new idea =) and I do not need a bad rap =) and actually, who got hooked when I clearly wrote in advance that this was just an idea =) and the results will not be it =) strict testing and preparation for the non-cents ... i got 10 bucks and i feel sorry for giving it to the broker=)