FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 293

Hi all!
Does this mean going up?

I don't know what it means)))

I am personally waiting for silver to sell from 18.30-80, and where the euro will go is deep for me)

Thank you.
Here's a baxoyenne from 118 that can be salted, which we'll do, put a selimit on it.
Thank you.
What do you see as the goal?
What target do you see?
silver 11-12, yen 110.
And the poundtoyen would like to go from 182 to 168, maybe even 150.

Can you suggest a good newsfeed on the currency market?

On the pound the main support is 1.50-5010, there I will look to buy to 1.60-63.
And the pound is willing to sell from 182 to 168, maybe even to 150.
What a long time you have!

Can you suggest a good newsfeed on the currency market?

I use an indicator in the terminal, it pulls information from forexfactories.
