FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 264

Yeah, well, a lot of people here have real, some of them have it as their main source of income.
Why would you do that, don't upset the Teacher))))
So sit down))))
I try not to trade in euros, you know, sorry kids, it's a drag =)

Can you give me a link to that screen?

( although according to the market law it went right) the breakdown of this zone, meant the return to it, if there was not a bounce of 150 points to say 1720-1680

at this stage i am considering this zone for targeting

Strange made predictions - a screenshot of him, about 2 months ago he tried to go short - then he backed out.
Why would you do that, don't upset Master))))
so you can't say I've been in real life for more than 5 years?)
Well yes, a lot of people here have real, some have it as their main source of income.
Where is it here on the mcl5 ?, close the real - open the demo - you need positive stats or else you're screwed.
i.e. it cannot be said that i have been in the real market for more than 5 years?)
Have there been any profitable years (at least one) at the end of the year?
I'm sorry, I'm dumb, why would you need a positive statistic on the demo if you're not going to get it right?
I'm sorry i'm dumb, why would i need positive stats on the demo if everything is ok on the real?
we do not have any profitable years (at least one)?

I do not understand, am I being tested for lousiness? do you need a screenshot to prove it? excuse me, I am a demoslivator and do not enter into such disputes

PS: i did not think that the penman is appropriate in our business

I get the feeling there's a salesman's bailout going on....
on which pair?
So you can't say that I've been in real life for more than 5 years?)
No way!!! We take care of the Teacher and do not tell him the whole truth of life, HE is old and ...