FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 206


the libor rate has been lowered to -0.75 =) yyyy that's hilarious=)


I have a feeling that a wave is going to hit all the pairs...

someone took a big one. you can't lose much in such a situation, but it's a real bummer))))


Closed all in zeros, let him get over it.

This started the normal scam of the potrenduns, I looked at the reports and wondered how long all the little things sit on the move and don't get out. So they were asked)

2015.01.15 11:55:09 *Franc jumps 25% against euro after Swiss National Bank waives lower limit for euro/franc pair

A lot of potrenduns have fallen)))) There's a grave on the chif))))
Remember the brothers ))))
2015.01.15 11:55:09 *Franc jumps 25% against euro after Swiss National Bank waives lower limit for euro/franc pair

Yeah, and that limit was sung about like a prayer by everyone))) Eidler was the last one to mention))))
2015.01.15 11:55:09 *Franc jumps 25% against euro after Swiss National Bank waives lower limit for euro/franc pair

Good for them, now they've got some rich kids out there in a flash)))) I personally rejoice for them. It takes more than a year to get a quote and bang! It's getting to be)))).
Let's remember our brothers ))))
Brothers should have used their brains instead of singing about the trend)))) They will come out and start telling us how they were fixed, by the boo, below the boo)))). They'll just wash their trousers))))
Brothers should have thought with their heads instead of singing about the trend)))) Now they will come out and start telling me how they were fixed, boo, boo below boo)))) Just wash your trousers.))))
it's easier for me. i made a little money.)
Mine is easier =) I made a little money =)
I made +3 quid today and I'm happy as a kid)))) Will calm down then and buy the pound.