FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 118

Sorcerer, many people here can't go to a 4, there have been purges too, and it will be closed soon).
The euro is the best if it is a she, not a it))) it only goes to the Eurovision Song Contest and wins there... and the euro is it, it's short for europe and it's all the same.

Everything - but not always. The euro and pound indices were shown above.

It's because it's synthetic. Artificial things, they're genderless. Or genderless. Both ours and yours.

They are sitting there saying they would buy euros here ...., but no one has the time to buy them
Professor, it's a classic, I showed Sensei the picture ten times before he started to flatten out))).
I need a FUCK in the world of quotes ))))

Sorcerer, they're closing down because everyone's an A.

And how dare you call a Teacher that

We are here with open mouths listening to HIS every word, but HIS been banned and no one to show us the way

I need a GOVERNMENT in the world of quotes ))))
So I say - banned))))
They are sitting here saying they would like to buy euros here ...., but there is no one to buy them.
They've sold everything and there is nothing left to buy. )))

you said yesterday that the premium is changing, but I don't see it.

The volumetric changes can be seen.

it's from here

British Pound Option (American) (GBP/USD) Quotes - CME Group
British Pound Option (American) (GBP/USD) Quotes - CME Group
Find information for British Pound Option (American) (GBP/USD) Quotes provided by CME Group. View Quotes

You said yesterday that the premium was changing, but I don't see it.

I don't know, you can see the figures in the reports)))
I do not know, you can see the figures in the reports)))

in 10-minute reports for 1 hour for 1 day or 1 year?

this is from ten minutes

if the premium changes, the level should also change