FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 84

I've seen that link. I'm asking for a chart, an overlay of puts and calls
I've seen that link. I'm asking for a chart, an overlay of puts and calls.
So the graphs on this page, or rather the data, enter it into excel and you'll get a graph)
So enter the graphs of this page, or rather the data, into excel and you'll get a graph)

I already have the software. I want to compare it. Didn't you get it from the CME? (no dynamics in excel...)

I have a program already doing it. I want to compare it. Didn't you take it from the CME? (no dynamics in the excel...)

So you have to look for it, I only did it once from that page, then I deleted the file, only the screenshots are left in the folder where they are immense)))

Here they are, the changes from last day, I did on the 31st.

So it is necessary to look for it, I only once made it from that page, the file then deleted, leaving only screenshots in a folder where they are immense)))
there for free, and I am stumped, all need registration?
Is it free, because I'm struggling, do you need to register everywhere?
It's free, everything is free there, you don't even need to register on their website.
It's free, because I'm confused, do you have to register everywhere?

No, it was better from the internet. I get it.

You seem to have the sum of all the puts separately and all the calls?


No, the colours were from the internet. I see.

it looks like you have the sum of all puts separately and all calls?

That's the change in one trading day.

Ahhhh, I see what screen you mean, the one with the percentages? You know, it's not from the Internet but there is a software called EXANTE ATP for trading options at Maltese broker and it is from this one.


These are the changes in one trading day.

Ahhhh, I see what screen you mean, the one with the percentages? It's not from the internet, there's a software calledEXANTE ATP for trading options, it's from a Maltese broker.

Now I see. I'm tired of begging...

I'm still doing everything I'm given...

here's the first trick:


I see. I'm tired of begging...

I'm still doing what I'm given...

I couldn't figure out what you wanted)))