FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 23

Weird, and the handwriting is old :)
Weird, and the handwriting is old :)

I'll disguise myself when the time comes, ip-number and country - easy))))

WebRequest not so much. can look - should not check for full compliance with the request, maybe the domain to add to the allowed and normal?

and so - I checked - one line of almost everything and what's needed from the webpage is already in the meta)) Just gut!

Hi there :-)

Eurochka is a blessing in disguise.
Meditating on where to buy from.

I don't know how I drew the lowest level once (but for some reason I didn't delete it).
And if you follow Wave Depletion , the lowest level just converges.
That is, the 2 analyses are converging at 1.1945 / 1.1950 - I don't understand.

is that not helpful?

Графики и данные | Фьючерсы на корзину ОФЗ
Графики и данные | Фьючерсы на корзину ОФЗ
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Hi there :-)

For Eurochka at all happiness.
Meditating from where to buy.

The lowest level of the dick knows how I drew once (but for some reason I didn't delete it).
And if you follow Wave Depletion , the lowest level just converges.
That is, 2 analyses converge at 1.1945 / 1.1950

beautiful, soulful ))))

drop a Renco in your personal info, it's your mate after all)))

pako will explain anyways now....


in length, they are different, the length reflects the value of the volume or OM, depending on what you take

the level itself is drawn if a call then the level=strike + premium if put then the level=strike - premium

for volumes,

The premium is not calculated yet, I have not done it yet.

What is taken away from - I'll forget in a week, and I see that the price is on support with a large volume and below too the prevalence of supports.......... ie as if the price has not changed and did not start to beat off supports and destroy resistance............... it would be good to see the difference in these volumes, because I think they are about the same (I may not understand something) - in standard MT levels of older TF not only stop / beat off the price, but also attract it as though.......

1) So these levels are real, from trades and have (let's say) higher verification in comparison with MT levels?

2. These levels have a different nature and differ from MT levels, i.e. it is necessary to learn new rules of theanalysis?

//--- URL "" must be added to work with the server

//--- in the list of allowed URLs (Main Menu->Service->Settings, tab "Advisors"):

Check that it works.

throw the script, see the new-rena.html file in the sandbox

pako, i never run a cat in a bag. just give me the usual code...

Sorry, I've been keeping my codes to myself for a while now.

but it's not my code, so...

I do the same thing, but it's implemented in a dll or an echo.

so you're downloading the glass, if i understand correctly?

Here, type this into your browser:

or see here.

How can you put a link like this in the allowed list? Especially if it has to be changed all the time...

The numbers in the link are levels and at the end - the time in milliseconds during which you want to watch the volume. you may update it not necessarily every 10 minutes, you may do it more often.


or look here, same thing, but in the left hand


I looked at that too. I made a calendar too, but 100 times simpler and safely erased it. I don't like external dlls...
I've made a calendar too, but 100 times easier and safely erased it. I don't like external dlls...
if you've done it, why do you ask?