Market administration - page 6


Bbl npocTo He npeDcTaB/\ReTe KaK TpyDHo Bac 4uTaTb

You have no idea how hard it is to read you.

What a problem you have.

If you do not grasp the meaning of my words, I will not help you.

And if you don't understand a word, well, please, I will help you.

What is your problem.

If you do not catch the meaning of my words, I will do not help you.

And if a word you do not understand,well, please I help you


What is your problem.

If you do not grasp the meaning of my words, I will not help you.

And if a word you do not understand, well, please, I will help you.

I have no problem, I wanted to explain to you why you were denied by the moderators of the publication, but apparently you do not need it.

ZS: although I'm almost a D in Russian, but I'll take the liberty of editing your post.


What is your problem?

If you don't grasp the meaning of my words, I won't help you.

And if there's a word you don't understand, I'll help you. Well, please help me.


The last two lines contradict each other: first you refuse to help, because I don't understand your words. Afterwards, you agree to help me if I don't understand what you are saying.


I don't have a problem, I wanted to explain to you why you were refused by the moderators to publish, but apparently you don't need it.

ZS: even though I'm almost a D in Russian, I'll take the liberty of editing your post.


What is your problem?

If you don't grasp the meaning of my words, I won't help you.

And if any word you do not understand I will help you.


The last two lines contradict each other: first you refuse to help because I do not understand your words. Afterwards, you agree to help me if I don't understand what you are saying.


If you wrote that, I could find mistakes in Bulgarian too.

That is why I want to pay for the translation and layout, if any.



Well, if you wrote that, I could find mistakes in Bulgarian too.

That's why I want to pay for translation and formatting, if any.

There are many different services specializing in the translation of texts, search online.


I am grateful for your opinion.
Maybe next time I will write the description in my native language,through a professional translator in English and send it to the moderators.
We could open a 'order translation' function, as is done in Google Play when downloading software.

For example, in a couple of clicks, place an order in freelance with a fixed price of $5-10.

There are already around 5,000 programmes in the marketplace and it makes sense.

What if the translation is paid for and then returned by a moderator, who checks the product description on the market, because of some minor issues?

Maybe in that case the translator should have access to a dialogue between the moderator and the customer?


What about the customer when the translation has been paid for, but due to minor issues, it has been returned by a moderator who checks the product description on the marketplace?

Should the translator then have access to a dialogue between the moderator and the client?

The translator should translate the finished text, not "what Father Varlaam and Grishka the impostor were talking about on the Lithuanian border".
The translator should translate the finished text, and not delve into what "Father Varlaam and Grishka the impostor were talking about on the Lithuanian border".
I see we are divided. I see we need a separate topic of discussion. I'll do it now.
The translator should translate the finished text, not "what Father Varlaam and Grishka the impostor were talking about on the Lithuanian border".



What about the customer when the translation has been paid for, but due to minor issues, it has been returned by a moderator who checks the product description on the marketplace?

Maybe in that case the translator should have access to a dialogue between the moderator and the customer?

That would be good, and it would be even easier if the seller was able to pay for it through 1-2 clicks on the moderator