Non-dynamic trading. - page 18

The processing of publicly available information is the indicator, everything else is 'unsyndicators', property meters, sensors, etc.
The processing of publicly available information is an indicator, everything else is 'indicatorless', property meters, gauges, etc.
Indicators, are a visual presentation of information, without a visual presentation, it is a nonindicator trade. An expert can do without the visual presentation of information, but a trader cannot

Probably should analyse such data from the Quotation Window:


Not just the ticked items, but all these items.

You've got it! The paper price indicator, there is time and price.
You've got it! An indicator of the price of paper, there is time and price.
It's also interesting to ponder on the question, "What is time? ))
It's also interesting to reflect on the theme, "What is time? ))
Time in relation to Forex?
Time as it relates to forex?
Generally. But it can also be applied to forex. )
It's also interesting to think about "what is time? ))

Time is an illusion! You can't believe in the reality of time

for example someone will say "yesterday..." and where is yesterday? it doesn't exist! and neither does tomorrow, there is only now

it's the same with price - it doesn't exist...

It's also interesting to ponder on the subject of "What is time?". ))


Time is a form of physical and mental processes, a condition of the possibility of change. One of the basic concepts of philosophy and physics, a conventional comparative measure of the motion of matter, and one of the coordinates of space-time along which the world lines of physical bodies extend. ...


Already people have pondered. Anything to add?
Well, moving away from the subject of the resource, please.