Question on FORTS quotes - page 6


komposter, you and I speak different languages.

You're talking about missed tics and I'm talking about their credibility.

Can't you tell the difference?



The exchange terminal of the FORTS futures market

MUST provide a trading participant with 2 types of TRADING information, namely:

1. The depth of orders, from 5 to 50 orders on each side.

2. Quotes of the deals with their real volumes.

QUIK gives full information:

Here's a man started programming an Expert Advisor.

He read documentation about OnTick

What did he conclude: "Clicked OnTick, a trade occurred

with such a volume. But in fact, it turns out that this is not

so (works on bid and ask)! Write in the documentation what you've written here, then

then there won't be any questions or misunderstandings.

And thanks a lot for explaining how to get real quotes.


Mikalas, it's been explained to you five times already.

It's not our fault that you made up your own OnTick world order. OnTick works the way it's written in the documentation.


Mikalas, it's been explained to you five times already.

It's not our fault that you made up your own OnTick world order. OnTick works the way it's written in the documentation.

Sorry, it's taking a long time to get to me....

One last question...

These are the actual quotes:





This is from MT-5

KH 0 10:00:12.769 Kotirovki (ED-12.14,H1) 2014.11.11 10:00:26; Bid = 1.2426; Ask = 1.2428; Last = 1.2428; Vol = 4 New Quote!

DH 0 10:00:14.704 Kotirovki (ED-12.14,H1) 2014.11.11 10:00:28; Bid = 1.2426; Ask = 1.2428; Last = 1.2428; Vol = 8 New Quote!

There are 2 quotes missing in Mt-5 ( explained why missing )


After quote:


there were 2 quotes:



There are none in MT-5.

What was the terminal doing TWO seconds that it "picked up" the third and not the first with a volume of 10 (10:00:28 ) ?


Sorry, it's taking me a long time to get to....

One last question...

These are the real quotes:





This is from MT-5

KH 0 10:00:12.769 Kotirovki (ED-12.14,H1) 2014.11.11 10:00:26; Bid = 1.2426; Ask = 1.2428; Last = 1.2428; Vol = 4 New Quote!

DH 0 10:00:14.704 Kotirovki (ED-12.14,H1) 2014.11.11 10:00:28; Bid = 1.2426; Ask = 1.2428; Last = 1.2428; Vol = 8 New Quote!

There are 2 quotes missing in Mt-5 ( explained why missing )


After quote:


there were 2 quotes:



There are none in MT-5.

What was the terminal doing for TWO seconds?

What are your successes in forex?


Sorry, I don't know what FOREX is.

P/S You will not find the grail here



Sorry, I don't know what FOREX is.

P/S You will not find the grail here

I am not looking for the grail. Your questions seemed interesting. Sorry.

Andrei (who is a composter), you are not right at all. This is an argument between a theorist (you) and a practitioner. I am not going to argue with you. If something is not clear, you can write to me in the PM.

What do you want to hide in a private message? I'm not afraid to embarrass myself, let's discuss my inexperience here.

A person on a technical forum wants to solve a technical issue, but instead of reading and understanding the documentation, he invents how the function must work and accuses developers that it works otherwise.

Who is wrong about what? )


Is it the same as yours?


What do you want to hide in private? I'm not afraid to embarrass myself, let's discuss my inexperience here.

A person on a technical forum wants to solve a technical question, but instead of reading and understanding the documentation he invents how the function should work and accuses the developers that it works differently.

Who is wrong about what? )

No, you're not.

Because you are relying on your own deductions, while I'm looking at the logs.

And they are not at all what they should be ( According to descriptions and explanations ).

(No one has answered the question about the two seconds, maybe you will.)