Question on FORTS quotes


Good time everyone!

I noticed that since 06.11.14 MT5 terminal (Otkritie DC) is broadcasting incorrect orders and trades for all instruments.


Good time everyone!

I noticed that since 06.11.14 MT5 terminal (Otkritie DC) is broadcasting incorrect orders and trades for all instruments.

Do you have any details?
How about more details?
KVIK has one quote and MT5 has a different quote (both price and volume).
Give an example, please, with screenshots. Are you sure you compared real accounts and not demo with MT5?
KVIK has one quote and MT5 has another (both price and volume).
:-) and why do you think it's in mt that the quotes are wrong and not in Quicksilver...
:-) And why do you think that the quotes in mt are wrong and not in Quick...

This is easy to check:

In MT5 we put a logger:

//|                                                    Kotirovki.mq5 |
//|                                                   Copyright 2014 |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, Mikalas"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
  MqlTick curr_tick;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
  return( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit( const int reason )

//| Expert On Tick event function                                    |
void OnTick()
  if ( SymbolInfoTick( _Symbol, curr_tick ) )
                Print( curr_tick.time, "; Bid = ",,
                      "; Ask = ", curr_tick.ask, "; Last = ", curr_tick.last,
                      "; Vol = ", curr_tick.volume );

And in Quick, we look at a table of all trades for the same instrument.

And then go to Finam and look at the quotes for the same instrument there.

Tomorrow everything will be clear.

What's a logger?
What is a logger?

Logger is an Expert Advisor that saves instrument quotes in a .log file ..\\MQL5\Logs

All Print(); commands of the Expert Advisor are written to the file.


Renat, how do you explain this?


You said you did time synchronisation....

But as you can see from the logs you did NOT.

curr_tick.time should contain the first quote with the time 10:00:00, and in the log

first quote is 09:49:11

There is such a bug - I confirm it. Some volumes disappear altogether, some are double/triple.
There is such a scuffle - I confirm it. Some volumes disappear altogether, some double/triple.

That's a hell of a joint.

I don't work for funnies...

P / S now I see why I have limiters redirect (such a price on the exchange NO)

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