FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 93


while there's nothing to do, I'm training for the 1%...

so what's up?
The teacher embarrassed our collective farm to the whole district

I read the poster after all...


that's it! I need a Corvalol... )))

The rupee has been killed completely.
The rupee has been killed completely.
)))) AfigeNt....
When do you want me to exchange the quid into rubles, today or tomorrow?
I did it a week ago. Everything was already there, in the fish jar... but it's the other way around p->b.
What time is it MSC today?

I saw 25.7 this morning, now it's 26.25... I'm looking at the sberbank. I gave you the link to the cb yesterday.

Яндекс.Новости: Динамика курса USD ЦБ РФ, руб.
Котировки на Яндекс.Новостях: события, персоны, цитаты, самые обсуждаемые и горячие сюжеты. Последние новости России и Украины - автоматическое обновление каждые 10 минут.

I'm talking about the news in Moscow.

no, the ruble could be live.... why would it go offshore?


Sold the euro from the current. stop 15 pips

By the way, on the wooden 45.27 edge

and that's if it makes it...

The ruble has a 100% target of 60-64.

ps even if nagibulina is to be believed about 44, this is the price of the rolling average, so that it would not be too volatile.