FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 869


Yes, Russia took pity on Ukraine. They signed an electricity supply contract on the 30th so that there would be enough for Ukraine's needs and those of Crimea.

Now there should be no blackouts in Ukraine.

Just understand that everyone is born free and the land on which he was born is his and his alone and he can live there as he thinks fit, without looking back at anyone's whims, even if they are the whims of the "powerful".

And lest you accidentally realize it, you will be fed whatever you want, patriotism, duty, and if you declare it, you will be persecuted by all means.

The President is already telling a New Year's tale. I declare a romantic readiness!
happy new year
Happy New Year !!!

Understand simply that everyone is born free, and the land on which he was born is not of any country, but his and only his and he can live on it as he sees fit, without looking back at anyone's desires, even if they are the desires of the "powerful" of this world.

And lest you accidentally realize it, you will be fed whatever you want, patriotism, duty, and if you declare it, you will be persecuted by all means.

To arrive at simple truths is a long way to go. And often one life is not enough for that.

Too easy...

Yes, it really is simple. The more people understand this, the sooner things will settle down.

Girls! Girls and women!

Categorically congratulations to all of you personally!

I wish you to find yourself in the market, and may the trend be in your direction!

Trust your intuition and right brain and may there be peace in your families!

You Breathe!!!


Understand simply that everyone is born free, and the land on which he was born is not of any country, but his and only his and he can live on it as he sees fit, without looking back at anyone's desires, even if they are the desires of the "powerful" of this world.

And lest you accidentally realize it, you will be fed everything, patriotism, duty, and if you say so, you will be brutalized in every way.

A man will not survive without society - he will not do what he buys in the shop, he will not use what society can exclusively provide (hospitals, schools, roads, kindergartens, nurseries and so on).

I.e. the idea that a person's life is not limited to his or her own self


Strange, no offence .........., we've talked and forgotten.

Irip, please do not insert provocative slogans like "Russia took pity".

People live in their only life, in their country in crisis and civil war, they do not understand the future, and in such cases they are afraid for themselves, their children and grandchildren, they worry and get nervous....................... and, of course, even if they are right and have good intentions, you can get aggression in return.


A person will not survive without society - they will not do what they buy in a shop, they will not use what society alone can provide (hospitals, schools, roads, kindergartens, crèches, etc.).

I.e. the idea is that a person's life is not limited to their own self

The idea is that too many people are using the institution of the state for their own sustenance by cramming all kinds of bullshit into the population.

That one will not survive. You are wrong, one is good at one thing, the other at another, the third at something else, while the unnecessary links should be removed.


Strange, no offence .........., we've talked and forgotten.

Iryp, please do not use inflammatory language like "Russia took pity.

People live their only life in a country facing a crisis and civil war, they have no clear view of their future, and it can be upsetting and frightening for themselves, their children and grandchildren, they worry and get nervous....................... and, of course, even if they are really right and have good intentions, they may respond with aggression.

Iripe has nothing to do with it))) And it's not aggression, simple truths.