FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 838


the forecast matched peek to peek at the time. but i haven't finished the software yet and it's possible the forecast will change....

The program was in semi-automatic mode at the time. It's a long way from being fully automatic... I had one parameter left - risk and plus - a history run, i.e. autotesting.

Smithely_and_it_you! You know how to play with MQL and there is always a case........... and there is no reason to open the terminal.

......... I saw that the program predicted an extremum, a confirmed level (I don't know if it happened before or after).

Smitley_ey! You know how to play with MQL and there is always a case........... and here it is the weekend and there is no reason to open the terminal.
You don't need to open it on the weekend)
You don't have to open it at the weekend.)
What's with the charts?
Why did you take out the charts?
I thought about it, it's too graphic.)
I thought about it and took it away, it's too graphic.)
Like, if you're late, you're late. )
It's like, whoever didn't make it, is late. )
I kind of gave all the links, so whoever wants to dig) And Myth threw them in here quite a few times.
Like I gave all the links, whoever wants to dig) And Myth threw them in here quite a few times.
Was that a grail? )
Was it a grail? )


Thank you!

Only the Teacher hasthe grail, still don't get it?))

Depleted Icarus, depleted wave, everything is depleted))))

What's the name, what's the result - depleted depot)



Thank you!

Only the Teacher has the grail, still don't get it?))

Depleted Icarus, depleted wave, everything is depleted))))

What's the name, what's the result - depleted depot)

He's gone somewhere... Probably depleted. )
He's gone somewhere... He must have been exhausted. )
HIM got banned by evil admins for telling us where to go....(