FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 649

Sensei, it's time to demand a wage increase due to the depreciation of the national currency or lepesinami take it)))

Russian companies collapsed due to ruble collapse

15.12.2014, 19:47 |"Gazeta.Ru"

Mail.Ru Group's GDRs fell 14% to $14.58 in trading on the London Stock Exchange at 19.20 Moscow time. Yandex shares on the NASDAQ exchange fell 9.8% to $17.43 per share.

Sberbank also plunged, with its depositary receipts falling 14.70% and VTB's GDRs declining 7.25%.

Shares of Russian oil and gas companies are also trading in the red. Gazprom's GDRs have fallen by 10.57% and Rosneft's by 11.17%.

RusHydro's depositary receipts were losing 15.26% and Sergutneftegaz 12.88% by that time.

Earlier, the euro wasapproaching RUB 79 for the first time, while the dollar exceeded RUB 63.

Курс евро впервые приближается к отметке в 79 рублей, доллар превысил 63 рубля
Курс евро впервые приближается к отметке в 79 рублей, доллар превысил 63 рубля
  • 2014.12.15
  • «Газета.Ru»
Курс евро по отношению к доллару впервые в истории приближается к отметке в 79 руб., об этом свидетельствуют данные торгов Московской биржи. На 18.56 мск курс евро прибавил 6,53 руб. и...
Is this done to buy back shares in favour of the Russian Federation or for some other purpose.... it is not clear yet...
In Japanese yen, it's a lot and it's not going down as fast.

Russian companies collapsed due to ruble collapse

15.12.2014, 19:47 |Gazeta.Ru

Mail.Ru Group's GDRs were down 14% to $14.58 in trading on the London Stock Exchange as of 7.20pm Moscow time. Yandex shares on the NASDAQ exchange fell 9.8% to $17.43 per share.

Sberbank also plunged, with its depositary receipts falling 14.70% and VTB's GDRs declining 7.25%.

Shares of Russian oil and gas companies are also trading in the red. Gazprom's GDRs have fallen by 10.57% and Rosneft's by 11.17%.

RusHydro's depositary receipts were losing 15.26% and Sergutneftegaz 12.88% by that time.

Earlier, the euro wasapproaching RUB 79 for the first time, while the dollar exceeded RUB 63.

let's not talk about sad things ((

What do you marinate your kebab with?

Dollars and roubles, differently, depending on the recipe ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I'm looking atthe quoteson Finam.

Over 9% fell during the day, RTS fell by 10% and is at the level of 2009.

And most importantly, the reasons are all in sight:


In turn, I would like to congratulate the US for the brilliant work of the embedded agents.

When the head of SC Bastrykin finally figures out who owns Domodedovo airport by 2025, it will be time to deal with the Ministry of Economics and the Central Bank.
Whether this is done to buy back shares in favour of the Russian Federation or for some other purpose.... It's not clear yet...
IRIP, when you first came to the forum, were you taught a lesson? I hope you understand the answer...
I'm looking at the quoteson Finam.

Over 9% fell during the day, RTS fell by 10% and is at the level of 2009.

And most importantly, the reasons are all in sight:


In turn, I would like to congratulate the US for the brilliant work of the embedded agents.

When the head of SC Bastrykin finally figures out who owns Domodedovo airport by 2025, it will be time to deal with the Ministry of Economics and the Central Bank.
Thank you.
I would also like to add my perspective on today's fall in the rouble