FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 638


In general I agree - "What is life - game!

But I had a more technical question about a perfect system without limitations and something with repeated overlapping of results (I understand that it is negative) .................. the phrase intrigued me, so I wrote "you are smoking something", meaning knowledgeable priests with altered consciousness.

It's so general )))), specific techniques are used Which! - produce undesirable habits - turning into mania - hypnosis is used (or its effect) - logic circuits of the brain are used against the host ((((( (coding people from casinos! - do you think everyone is stupid?)
It's so general )))), specific techniques are used Which! - produce undesirable habits - turning into mania - hypnosis is used (or its effect) - logic circuits of the brain are used against the master ((((( (coding people from casinos! - do you think everyone is stupid?)

life is a game

It's not a general phrase, it's the gist.


life is a game

That's not a general phrase, that's the point.

If there's a lure, expect a divorce.
If there's a lure, wait for a divorce.
Now that's a meaningless phrase.

and that's a case in point:

Now that's a meaningless phrase. anything can be ))))
Нью-йоркский старшеклассник заработал на бирже 72 миллиона долларов
Нью-йоркский старшеклассник заработал на бирже 72 миллиона долларов
  • 2014.12.15
Старшекласник из нью-йоркского района Квинс — 17-летний Мохаммед Ислам (Mohammed Islam) — сколотил на бирже состояние в 72 миллиона долларов. Он достиг такого уровня дохода, дистанционно торгуя акциями во время своих обеденных перерывов, пишет газета «Нью-Йорк пост». Мохаммед и два его товарища планируют в июне следующего года открыть свой...

and that's a case in point:

You shouldn't do that, Ilya, it would look more solid on the m1)))
You shouldn't do that, Ilya, it would look more solid on m1)))

the depot doesn't give a fuck about the frame...

she's happy with the lot.


depot doesn't care about the frame...

she is happy with the lot

Moved the market?)))

The TF does not matter, the price moves in time, and the TF was made for the Teacher, so he can see H1-H4))))


Moved the market?)))

The TF doesn't matter at all, the price moves in time, and the TF was made for the Teacher, so he could see H1-H4))))


I'll fill up the car for a month ahead...