FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 578

so down ene fly to 96 figs) closed at my instaforex?
it's just a correction, i will close 147 - 146 on insta (100 pips short of it)
On the subject of the long term. An acquaintance of mine, just an acquaintance, no more, once said that no pro in his right mind would do intraday, because it is a lottery, he said that they laughed at "Wall Street Warriors" like a good comedy).
A guy I know knew too much... (с)
this is just a correction , on insta i will close 147 - 146 (100 pips away)
Teacher, what a romantic you are...
Teacher, what a romantic you are...
The harsh truth of life!
One of my acquaintances knew too much... (с)

He knows a lot, but it's hard to get anything out.

Now the situation is as you said - the price is being driven at random, no matter where it goes).

You watch micro gepes? long been fond of them good signals sorry in both directions ((()
What are the micro gaps on the hour?) - Hourly chart minimum + Daily and Monthly - everything on the hour is visible...
no what microgaps on the hour)) - hourly chart minimum + daley and month - you can see everything on the hour...
what is there a gap? if not quotes
it's just a correction, i will close 147 - 146 on insta (100 pips short)
so lock...))) and you will have a positive lock))) and double profit...

He knows a lot, but it's hard to get anything out.

Now the situation is as you said - the price is being driven at random, no matter where it goes).

have you decided on the price or are you not referring to the eura....
so lock it...)))) and there will be a positive lock))) and double profit...
this is not a trade (( 2 years of sitting! The efficiency is below the plinth.