FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 569

If you had listened on Monday you would have kept quiet bye and picked your nose, the professor was offering picking sticks)))
Go and use a trowel to scrape your nose ))))) Come back and report on the levels in form ))))
It's no big deal, take it out on Sensei, that's what he's there for)))
I'm testing psycho-techniques on you ))))
Go and get yourself a trowel. ))) You come back, you'll report on the levels.)
Sorry, Professor, I stand corrected...
I'm testing psycho-techniques on you ))))
Don't break the tester.)

the closest profits on the Audi:

Professor, show me the levels, see how the teacher is sad.)
Professor, show me the levels, you can see the teacher is sad.)
You're relentless!))) Strange, do you really think you have such a fucking charisma that you, with your howling about volumes and master classes, would make someone give up on their own ideas, even if it means a loss, rather than a 100% brilliant result like yours? ))) No one here needs your outpourings about where the price will go except a few people. Give it a rest already. )))
You're relentless )))) Strange, do you really think that you have such a fucking charisma that you, with your howling about volumes and masterclasses, would make someone give up their own ideas, even if it means a loss and not a 100% brilliant result like yours? ))) No one here needs your outpourings about where the price will go except a few people. Give it a rest already. )))
But seriously, I don't give a damn, everyone is entitled to his opinion, and the losses - profits are also everyone's own business. I'm just bored). And to troll Sensei, so he won't stick his tester wherever he goes)))))
In all seriousness, I don't care, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the losses-profits are everyone's own business too. I'm just bored). And to troll Sensei, so he won't stick his tester wherever he goes)))))
All right))) If we are doing business, I can only voice what the program shows, but it only shows what I have managed to teach it. On EUR the main trend is up, but now there should be a correction to the break 2382, and then up again )))) I do not know if it will work or not, but the EA has sold, if the price goes up, it means that this function is unstable, of course there will be losses and of course I will cut it out of the code. Are you satisfied? Now you can laugh through the smiley face and drive around )))
Ok )))) If to speak business-like, I can only voice what the program shows, and it only shows what I have managed to teach it. On Jew the main trend is up, but now it must correct to the break 2382, and then up again))) I do not know if it will work or not, but the EA has sold, if the price goes up, it means that this function is unstable, of course there will be losses and of course I will cut it out of the code. Are you satisfied? Now you can laugh through the smiley face and drive around )))

You could have just said so and posted a picture) Why are you laughing? Seriously, I have levels 2473, 2491 and 2515 at the top, no sales. You may laugh)))

Yes, the strongest is 2568.

On the pound 5777 and 58 flat.

The ruble has a blue sky over its head))))