FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 326

Dollar crosses the 50-ruble mark for the first time in history
Курс доллара впервые в истории перешагнул отметку в 50 рублей
Курс доллара впервые в истории перешагнул отметку в 50 рублей
  • 2014.11.28
Сегодня курс доллара обновил исторический максимум в 50 рублей. Как сообщает РИА Новости, по данным «Московской биржи» к 21:50 мск американская валюта выросла на 1,34 рубля к предыдущему закрытию – до 50,01 руб.
For the first time in history, the dollar has crossed the 50 rouble mark
and what ? is everyone here pining for the rouble? ...:-))
so what? is everyone here pining for a ruble? ...:-))
shame =)


But the Swiss, again:

and I bought the Gold at the close... in case the swiss move after all....

Do you think the Swiss are moving the gold or did they "feed" this information to the gold movement?

I just remembered how last year the drop in gold was explained by the fact that the Bank of Cyprus was selling some of its reserves. (Although all those reserves the market will eat up and not notice in real life).

although I bought some at the close)))


Do you think the Swiss are moving the gold or did they "feed" this information to the gold movement?

I just remembered how last year the drop in gold was explained by the fact that the Bank of Cyprus was selling some of its reserves. (Although all those reserves the market will eat up and not notice in real life).

Although I also bought at the close)))

i must have said too much already... about 20 minutes ago... wiped out in three seconds... they're better than they are out there... :-)))
If we hit the low we will wait)) until february for the minimum... at most until August (I wonder how much money the ECB has) ... maybe they are already preparing for the US elections ... and according to the indians Obama is the last one.... so to speak "black point"))
Ha ha ha! Well done! That's a terrible thing to come up with. Obama is the black dot in American history.
I've obviously said a lot of things... about twenty minutes ago... wiped out in three seconds... ...they're better than they are out there... :-)))
apparently - yes, they are watching. TAM might not have looked for a day or two)))
Apparently, yes, they are. TAM for a day or two might not have looked.))
f crfpfk nj... i thought he said an innocent phrase about the ruble... Who needs the ruble nowadays... :-)))