FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 181


UBS has revised its currency forecasts, which now largely reflect a strengthening USD in 2015, but experts stress that this will not be an easy path for the USD.

"We agree with most analysts that the USD will be popular in 2015 and even longer, but the path is potentially dynamic, given that USD strength can lead to both benign and disruptive outcomes," UBS clarifies.

"We have revised our targets for the yen in the wake of the Bank of Japan's latest QQE decision. Regardless of policy uncertainty and the effectiveness of current policy, we believe the Bank of Japan's resolve is unquestionable," UBS states.

I should add - the stupid Japs have played the game to a loss )))) (don't realise they are being walked on and screwed - well those who are aware of their policies)

Where did you get the good links on american banks?

I just didn't use neural networks. There's a link on the forum below. Have you tried it?

The doll's working. It's going to happen anyway. My gut tells me it's not good...

will be...

for good.


I bought till 1.26, if it goes up I'll buy again, the american bank is right. (It's a trick to say it right, but people will do it...)

Supp. it is time to buy euR ))))


I bought till 1.26, if it goes up I'll buy again, the american bank is right. (It's a trick to say it right, but people will do it...)

Boppy, it's time to buy euR ))))

Whew, good job confirming my expectations for the eur drop! Thanks!!!
Phew, good to have confirmed my expectations on the fall of the euura! Thanks!!!
tp at 1.25, get earning - well done!
In the medium term, is there a big difference between trading with a fix spread (pair designation with an "m" added) and a floating spread? Thank you.
tp at 1.25, get earning - well done!
Well, here comes the flat result - who's going where..... Trading on the face, as North says ))))
Wow, that's a lot of pages already)))) So it's true what they say, masturbation is incurable ))))
Well, here comes the flatulence - who's going where..... The trade is on its face, as North says ))))
Yes resistance is forming-how strong time will tell.
Yes resistance is forming-how strong time will tell.
How long do we have to wait? )))