FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 615

and i asked you yesterday before going to sleep to look in ninza at the same price so you don't have to bother with the program and only look with your eyes

They don't write or show that in Ninza)))

And why would you need it yesterday if it's not until next week)))

You said it yourself - are the rubles in quid or what?
So I exchanged them at the beginning of autumn and forgot) And the quid is our national currency since '91)
to parity!
I understand that, but the process cannot go on indefinitely. it has to come to an end at some point. how can you tell if it's already at parity?
I get it. This process can't go on indefinitely. It has to settle down at some point. How can you tell if it's parity?

What is clear? Parity is 1 to 1))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Sensei must be smoking again.)

So I exchanged them at the beginning of autumn and forgot) And the quid has been our national currency since '91)
ok. and we have roubles and you can see what's wrong with them - a headache ((((

What is clear? Parity is 1 to 1))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Sensei must be smoking again.)

No way. It's been like this for a decade.)
ok. and we have roubles((((
Well, you see, we once understood that coupons are not money and many have not forgotten that even after the introduction of hryvnia, so you remember that the ruble is not a currency)
How do you know if it's already at parity?
1:100 ))
Nah, I haven't had one of those in about ten years.)
You haven't smoked in twenty years?))) HE

They don't write or show that in Ninza)))

And why would you need it yesterday if it's not until next week)))

That's what I'm saying, don't do that.