FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 612

I no longer trade on that system. I trade with a zig-zag, but not with an indicator)))
That's how I get my trades - by zig-zagging.
I don't trade on that system anymore. I trade with a zig-zag, but not with the turkey)))


see how quiet it is. people are already on holiday)))) no one to make course corrections

again this clowning around with the charts.
Again with the clowning around with the charts.
It's his watch, I'm a minute trader, it's softer.
again this clowning around with the charts.
I'm already waiting for the pound for, for, for..., I'll close on the americans if it doesn't go.
I'm already waiting for the pound for, for, for..., I'll close on the americans if it doesn't go.
Ninja has probably realised by now that we are on the level. it's probably where you can get a feel for the trade and the outlook.
I'm already waiting for the pound for, for, for..., on the americans won't go close.
Up? Sadly - put a boo on it.
Ninja must have figured out by now that we're on the level. it's probably a good place to get an idea of the trade and the prospects.
Do you trust the americans? (there is no SCR)
do you trust the americans? (there's no SCR)
Why don't you use history to estimate the volume? It's more likely to be true now.