FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 577


don't be disrespectful about the church....

And here's the pound:

see today on the japanese )) closed the hole at 2480 and 2476 wrote in the forecast, but the most interesting thing 40 minutes ago opened new ones))) two...2485 2484))
2350 I will close my shorts and buy ))))
As for the long term. A friend of mine, just an acquaintance, nothing more, once said that no pro in his right mind would engage in intrade, because it is a lottery, he said that they laughed at "Wall Street Warriors" like a good comedy)
How it doesn't affect - look at the rise from July 24, 2012 to 1.3990 on this rise there was a bunch of KU-3 interventions (you can just visually see them on the chart). Interventions are a hole in the accounting "black" it needs to be closed - which is what has now been done (globally). But the paradox of the system is that everyone thinks that it is harder to rise than to fall (hence they call positions long and short). A lot of dollars will always fall - if you do not change the financial system - and it will not change)). So there is a reason the americans started cutting the CG-3 in installments... everything is tip-top and the dollar will fall and GDP will be "quality" in the future report. Draghi realised that and started to intervene and the Euro went down (ostensibly), but in reality they close the holes made by the Fed. But the real exchange rate is up ... so Draghi has to ask the americans for money using swap operations ... you know what I mean... europe buys back the KU-3.... and what would that be? )))

I'll think about it tonight...

Do you trade the dollar/yen ? it's flat at 117.50 - 118.50 - bought so much! that it's definitely not going up - target is 112. While further there are divorces - shorter cut 112.


don't be disrespectful about the church....

And here's the pound:

Don't forget to show it tonight)
Don't forget to show it tonight)
Audit profit on both trades...

don't be disrespectful about the church....

And here's the pound:

I haven't been for a long time....

I'll think about it tonight...

Do you trade the dollar/yen? now it's flat at 117.50 - 118.50 - bought so much! that it's definitely not going up - target is 112. while further there are divorces - shorter cut 112.

so down the yen is going down to 96) closed at instaforex?
see today on the japanese)) closed the hole at 2480 and 2476 in the forecast, but the most interesting thing 40 minutes ago opened a new one ))) two... 2485 2484))
i got a long time fond of them, good signals, too bad both ways (((
audi profit on both trades...

The Audi is looking very nice at 8520)

And the pound is 58 and a penny. Most likely to cover it there today. POSSIBLE.