FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 507

Not so ) Check out the remix. I left a link there.
I'm waiting for the trends. And on a trend, levels don't really matter.

On the subject of "herchiks".

There is a profession - the motivational speaker. The Wolf of Wall Street is based on Belfort's memoirs.


On the subject of "herchiks".

There is a profession - the motivational speaker. The Wolf of Wall Street is based on Belfort's memoirs.

Whatever. But the remix is on point and funny.
I'm looking for trends. And on a trend, levels don't really matter.
I found the beginning of the trend, but where is the end?
Cut the crap...............
and if you remember, there were no telephones or radio and television back then and rednecks were fooled by fairy tales

It's even easier when they're available)))
Ahead of stranger..........
I found the beginning of the trend, but where is the end?
Where the stops are triggered and the rest doesn't matter. 3% of the market is enough for me.
Where the stops are triggered and the rest doesn't matter. 3% of the market is enough for me.

And the stops are by % of profit?

in a minute?


and stops by % of profit?

per minute?

No, long term, stops are triggered on pullbacks. Yes, I have an example of such a trade in my profile. It's not the best, but it's honest. While the flat is losing, as soon as the trend reverses the loss and comes out in some profit, not very much of course.
No, long term, stops are triggered on pullbacks. I have an example of such a trade in my profile. It is not the best, but it is honest. It has a loss during flat, but as soon as trend starts it compensates and results in some profit, not very much, of course.

I see. For a month, 50% is not bad.

I tell Teacher too - sell signals than wait for a paycheck, but he doesn't want to....

If it works, it is worth the money, no matter whether it is a demo or a real account.