FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 218


Sensei, where did the congregation go?)

We can try

♪ I've got this thing in the works ♪

Dima, pound

Second run )))


Shaman, without going into detail, here's the whole layout for your euro)


Ugh, shit.

The market forgave me. I had a bad day on Friday, barely made it through, even got a little bit in the black. I'll drink to Doll's health tonight.

what happened on friday - it just started to come out with a big bang. i don't know when you got it out... ?

Current situation:

Oh, that's what you mean... that's where you get your grandmothers.

The day is over and as this account is for intraday trading, all orders were covered, so it was a Monday

I threw the pips away. I don't like it because it's a doll's toy...

Shaman, without going into detail, here's the whole layout for your euro)

Go get a match with the sneezes.

How curious. Buy is up, sell is down.

What's that for?

To increase profits.

But seriously, we don't understand it, unless the Teacher explains it to us

Go challenge the chigiks.
Sensei, you can't understand why you need to measure yourself against someone else.

How curious. Buy is up, sell is down.

What's that for?

From the old cis was left - the whole move down was taken with sells. (And I didn't write it for you - why would you do that? - you'll get kicked out of the house!)