FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 87

Fucking hell, you're driving a branch. You're addicted! I don't have the energy to read so much. So I'm going to post on the wrong facts............
Who knows about levels - where is the nearest strong support on the Eurofound? Because I think it's lying on support.... and if it is, isn't it going to crush it, bitch!
Who knows about levels - where is the nearest strong support on the Eurofound? I think it's lying on support.... and if it is, it's not going to crash, bitch!
yes the low has already been, optionally 0.7950 to 0.7760
Who knows about levels - where is the nearest strong support on the Eurofound? Because I think it's lying on support.... and if it is, isn't it going to crash, bitch!

How far the top goes doesn't matter, but the way down is guaranteed for now.

what a pain, what a pain - the dollar against all currencies... six-zero...

How far the top goes doesn't matter, but the path to the bottom is guaranteed for now.

Yes-............ if it scientifically breaks 7790-no catching.
what a pain, what a pain - the dollar against all currencies... six-zero...
Yes, the dollar is being driven so high.....driven blatantly.......heard that before the Great Depression.
After setting up the printing press, thought was given to its productivity.....

It does not matter how far up you go, but the way to the bottom is guaranteed.

Spekul, are you getting the charts mixed up? You were trading the Eurobucks. It is not good to start mixing up the crosses without understanding the majors....

Do Eurobak, do not listen to anyone, but keep your courage up and reduce the risk by 100 times, until you get the hang of it.

At first I was also looking at the profit percentage... That's not the point, you understand. The main thing is to make money all the time and it doesn't matter how much!

In this case there is only one result - you are a trader, you are the first level.

And how to make money with it - there are a huge number of variants. Ask Eidler, as I understand it, he knows.

Such assumptions that the ECB will not raise the % rate, so the euw is sell