Trend is your friend - page 4


A question has arisen

Given that there are two market states 1. Trend (upward and downward) and 2. A flat (for those who work with volumes, they divide a flat into accumulation and distribution - it does not matter if it is a flat), then let me ask the following questions:

1. Marketing is the market condition that you would like to work in?

2. What do you think, in which market condition there is a higher probability of not triggering stops and making more profit with a smaller market entry.

I think the answers are obvious (wow - I have discovered myself, I understand where the word Obvious comes from: eyes - eyes, seen - I see with my eyes)

The trend is still there, active and moderate. Stops may fail to trigger or gaps may occur during an active trend. A flat is a passive market movement, but in a flat, there is often a struggle for the future direction of the trend.

But this old friend may die at any time, just when you start trusting him ) So you have to die with him )

The best friend is the one you have grown up with since you were in diapers )

Alexey gave a good answer - yes the best friend (best trend) is when we have grown with him since we were in diapers (from the time of the flat). All logical.

Another opinion/conclusion comes to mind - in order to make our friendship with the trend stronger, we should wait for it to appear on the market. Not to our detriment - we should come not so early.

It seems to me - we are getting closer and closer to the true meaning of the saying Trend is your friend. The farther we go, the more we indirectly or directly notice that the trend is still our friend, provided that certain conditions described earlier in this forum topic are met.


Alexey gave a good answer - yes the best friend (the best trend) is when we have grown with it since we were still in diapers (since the days of flatulence). All logical.

Another opinion/conclusion - in order to make our friendship with the trend stronger, we should come and wait for it to appear on the market. Not to our detriment - we should come not so early.

It seems to me - we are getting closer and closer to the true meaning of the saying Trend is your friend. The further we go, the more we indirectly or directly notice that the trend is still our friend, if certain conditions are fulfilled, as described earlier in this forum topic.

If we want our friendship with the trend to grow from day to day, we should periodically give it a whirl! And of course, always in your pocket!

Forex is a system of greed and the greedier the better the balance sheet!


What would be the friendship with the trend, strengthened day by day, you should periodically poke him wishes! And of course always in your pocket!

Forex is a system of greed and the greedier the better the balance sheet!

Greed has ruined Fryer". Let's continue with the trend. A suggestion comes in - Everyone agrees that - Trend is your (our) friend!

If so, I'd like to move on to explore some issues related to our friend...
Есть такая поговорка:" Жадность Фраера сгубила". Кто такой Фраер и почему его сгубила жадность??? Ваше мнение ???
  • 2008.11.16
Рождение русского фраера Вообще-то словечко фраер (фрайер) заимствовано уголовниками из немецкого языка через посредство местечкового идиша примерно в конце XIX - начале XX веков. В криминальном мире тогдашней России было значительное количество евреев. Не случайно одним из центров преступного мира считалась Одесса ("Одесса-мама", как...

Everyone agrees that - Trend is your (our) friend!

Not everyone. I disagree.

Trend is a radish.
but pay no attention to unreasonable neophytes like me.

keep going!
But pay no attention to unreasonable neophytes like me

keep going!


Until we come to a consensus, it is difficult for us to move forward. If the trend is not a friend, then it is an enemy. Your arguments please. I request to take into account that the trend cannot move without fuel, i.e. without those means which show the purpose for the trend. And not understanding the market, does not allow to blame the trend, people, economic news, even the government.

So your argument is that he is the enemy.



Until we come to a consensus, it is difficult for us to move forward. If the trend is not a friend, then it is an enemy. Your arguments please. I request to take into account that the trend cannot move without fuel, i.e. without those means which show the purpose for the trend. And not understanding the market, does not allow to blame the trend, people, economic news, even the government.

So your argument is that he is the enemy.

Not necessarily the enemy, it's like a Vysotsky song:

If a friend happens to be
And not a friend or an enemy , it's just...

When we see a trend on the chart, it does not mean that it will continue and the probability of continuation, breaking or consolidation is equal.
not necessarily an enemy, it's like in the song by Vysotsky:

If a friend happens to be
And not a friend or an enemy , but so...

when we see a trend on the chart, it does not mean that it will continue and the probability of continuation, break or consolidation is equal. so a friend is not bad for us but does not help either

Greed has ruined Fryer". Let's get on with the trend. There is a suggestion - Everyone agrees that - Trend is your (our) friend!

If so, I'd like to move on to explore some of the issues surrounding our friend...
Yes I agree! Can't do without him, he is the engine of progress!
Yes, I agree! Can't do without it, it's the engine of progress!

Thank you!

Moved on to study.

Everyone studies trends. "Do as I do" the saying goes, assuming everything has to be the same. Maybe we need to study those nappies (flotsam)? Any ideas on how to identify that flat where the trend will come soon. VSA studies the flops. Are there other methods that are simpler and give more accurate data.