Is it possible to get an "exact" value? - page 2


but this value


will return 0.1



then what was quoted above would be more appropriate to the task of the TC:

void OnStart()
   int DIGITS=2;
   string stroka=DoubleToString(0.099999999,8);
   int P=StringFind(stroka,".");
double NL (int DIGITS,double value) {
   double step=1/MathPow(10,DIGITS);
   return (MathFloor(value/step)*step);


2014.10.04 11:42:31.856 normalize EURUSD,H4: 0.09
2014.10.04 11:42:31.856 normalize EURUSD,H4: 0.1
2014.10.04 11:42:31.856 normalize EURUSD,H4: 0.10000000

I sketched out a function that does exactly what I want it to do: precisely truncates a string to the specified precision , unlike DoubleToStr:

string Normalize (string Normalize_Parse, int Normalize_Number, string Normalize_Separator = ".")
   string Normalize_Before,
   for (int i = 0; i <= StringLen (Normalize_Parse) - 1; i ++)
      if (StringSubstr (Normalize_Parse, i, StringLen (Normalize_Separator)) == Normalize_Separator)
         for (int ii = i + StringLen (Normalize_Separator); ii < i + StringLen (Normalize_Separator) + Normalize_Number; ii ++)
            Normalize_After += StringSubstr (Normalize_Parse, ii, 1);
      Normalize_Before += StringSubstr (Normalize_Parse, i, 1);
   return (Normalize_Before + (Normalize_After > 0 ? Normalize_Separator + Normalize_After : ""));

Result for "0.09864724":

Comment (Normalize (0.09864724, 2)); // 0.09

Result for"0,-843158":

Comment (Normalize ("0,-843158", 3, ",-")); // 0,-843

Operations with double and similar:

Comment ((double) Normalize (0.09, 2) * 5); // 0.45

I've been searching through and such a function already exists in MQL4 (5?). If it's not there, why not add it a long time ago? :)


I sketched out a function that does exactly what I want it to do: precisely truncates a string to the specified precision , unlike DoubleToStr:

Result for "0.09864724":

Result for"0,-843158":

Operations with double and similar:

I've been searching through and such a function already exists in MQL4 (5?). If it's not there, why not add it a long time ago? :)

that's what I call "easier" )

I sketched out a function that does exactly what I want it to do: precisely truncates a string to the specified precision , unlike DoubleToStr:

Result for "0.09864724":

Result for"0,-843158":

Operations with double and similar:

I've been searching through and such a function already exists in MQL4 (5?). If it's not there, why not add it a long time ago? :)

You're operating with some strange examples - that's why it's impossible to conclude that your function works correctly.

take this example:

how to leave =0.01999999999999999999 -- leave =0.01
You're operating with out-of-character examples -- so you can't conclude that your function works correctly.

take this example:

how to leave =0.01999999999999999999 -- leave =0.01
checked the last function, it leaves 0.01.

I still don't understand what you want.

If you want to see 0.098 on the chart instead of 0.098, then do so!

int a=0.098 * 100;

double d=a/100.0;

Comment(StringFormat("%G", d );

checked the last function, leaves 0.01
Checked your function -- leaves 0.02
Checked your function -- leaves 0.02.

Indeed, 0.02.

My function may be more cumbersome, but it cuts off exactly 0.01.

checked the last function, leaves 0.01
How can your function be optimised to take 0.01 from theabolk example?