Trading music - page 6

Eagles - Hotel California (Lyrics)
Eagles - Hotel California (Lyrics)
Lyrics: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light My...

Please share with us Forumers the music that puts you in the mood for:

Profitable trading,

Restore your nerves and health after a loss,

Have fun after a successful trading session,

To write a new grail.

And who is in profit, what to listen to?
Who's in profit, what do you listen to?

Share your profitable music, we'll listen too ...

p.s. I showed you above what I'm listening to in profit


Trailing Stop Music

Stop Loss Music

The market is closed, trading analysis with a glass of tea


Music for the theme)

P.S. Where does the video go when you click "add"?

Alexandr Saprykin:

Music for the theme)

P.S. Where does the video go when you click "add"?

Video insertion is broken ...

What happens in your body and brain every time you listen to music:

The release of dopamine causes your memories to be formed and reproduced.

The release of the 'good mood neurotransmitter' dopamine makes your mood rise.

You perform better on simple tasks and standardised tests.

Depending on the tempo and type of music you listen to, your blood pressure goes down (or up).

Due to the effect of music on your physical activity, you are able to perform harder and longer exercises.

In response to particularly moving music, your skin experiences real physical sensations. Those same 'goosebumps' and 'soul tearing'.

Трейдинг и музыка
Трейдинг и музыка
  • 2010.09.09
Видео сайта: На бирже нужно искать не грааль -- нужно искать самого себя. Биржа -- это то место, где ты борешься сам с собой. А зао...

Yello - "Gold rush" or "The race"

Результаты поиска по запросу "yello gold rush" в Яндекс.Видео
Nikolay Kositsin:

Great film!