Let's be friends - page 8

From 1974 to 1987 there were 12 powerful underground nuclear explosions on the territory of Yakutia, two of them - "Kristall" and "Kraton-3" - resulted in contamination of the environment with products of nuclear fission...
After inspection, the forest soil contained 20 times more plutonium than Nagasaki soil

Inviting everyone to visit😂

Evgeniy Kazeikin:

Honestly, I'm not drunk. But I didn't understand what you wrote at the end.
Yes it was interesting that they write there what they do not write about the other DCs do not write.

What they write or not write ... it's all on the Internet ... I expressed my opinion based on my own acquaintance with the DC ... when in the crisis year for themselves arranged for them to work under the ad for a manager and in fact they just tried to actively push to open an account with a minimum deposit of 10,000 K (by the way a couple of years later, my wife also got caught in the same ad) ... Based on this, I had a negative assessment of this company, I have never traded in it, and I think I will not what good conditions they would offer ... If you do not like it, they should be offered ... If you do not like it, you should take a look at the market ... I think so ... I think the situation is different.... After that I had a negative assessment of this brokerage company ... I have never traded with it, and I think I will not what good conditions they would not offer ... (I think if you offer tasty meat and soy) is a sham and relations with fraud can not be built because there is no trust ...

I have already written above that this is my personal opinion and should not affect anyone else's.

Alexander Ivanov:
From 1974 to 1987 there were 12 powerful underground nuclear explosions on the territory of Yakutia, two of them - "Kristall" and "Kraton-3" - resulted in contamination of the environment with products of nuclear fission...
After inspection, the forest soil contained 20 times more plutonium than Nagasaki soil

Inviting everyone to visit😂

My wife was born in Yakut ASSR Tiksi village.....


I don't understand why there are hundreds and thousands of "friends". What the hell kind of "friends" are they?

"Friends" are participants you are interested in, whose statements and work you always want to have in your field of vision.

What are "friends" who are nothing but a class in the list?

I'm surprised when friends come from people with whom we have never even crossed paths in the forum (conversations in general topics are out of the question). Open application of such a "friend" - Look, he has a forum message like "hello to all. What is the point of adding such people to friends? Not to then find those who are really interesting and useful to you?

I only add friend people with whom I've had mutual conversations in the forum. As an exception, I can also add as friends those who have posted interesting articles or code. All others - sorry. The term "friends" implies something more than "line in the list" and does not imply spamming with "great signals" on cent or even demo accounts.

Sergey Lobov:

My wife was born in Yakut ASSR Tiksi village.....

there is 7.6 kilotons in Tiksi and my village is around these 12 explosions .... there were 19 and 8 kilotons nearby.

and the emissions were 1.7-3 ktn, but the radiation release was 20 times higher than Nagasaki...

and Nagasaki was hit with 21 ktn... so how did our 1.7 ktn bombs give 20 times the radiation of Nagasaki?

So our bombs were much more powerful?

21 kTn times 20, that's about 400 kTn, that's almost a thermonuclear explosion... I mean, that's almost a thermonuclear explosion.

Even the explosion was in a bunker underground, but the emission and radiation strength was 20 times higher than the Japanese...

They must have lowered the power of the bombs in the paperwork. They must have been hydrogen bombs like our Eun-joo-jae.)

George Merts:

I don't understand why there are hundreds and thousands of "friends". What the hell kind of "friends" are they?

"Friends" are participants you are interested in, whose statements and work you always want to have in your field of vision.

What are "friends" who are nothing but a class in the list?

I'm surprised when friends come from people with whom we have never even crossed paths in the forum (conversations in general topics are out of the question). Open application of such a "friend" - Look, he has a forum message like "hello to all. What is the point of adding such people to friends? Not to then find those who are really interesting and useful to you?

I only add friend people with whom I've had mutual conversations in the forum. As an exception, I can also add as friends those who have posted interesting articles or code. All others - sorry. The term "friends" implies something more than "line in the list" and does not imply spamming with "great signals" on cent or even demo accounts.

Some people have a few hundred thousand followers on social media and that doesn't say he's communicating with them all and being friends with them all ( as that word sounds)... so don't take it as a call to action...

Sergey Lobov:

Some people have a few hundred thousand followers on social media and that doesn't say he's communicating with them all and being friends with them all ( as that word sounds)... so don't take it as a call to action...

Subscribers and friends are different people in my opinion.

George Merts:

Subscribers and friends are, in my opinion, different people.

At this point I don't think it's any different... It has been brought up here many times before (maybe it bothers some people) but the fact itself cannot be changed ... so I think it should not be taken as a call to be family friends ... but as just a name ...

Sergey Lobov:

I don't think it's any different at this point. It's been said here many times before (maybe it bothers some people) but the fact cannot be changed ... so I think it should not be taken as a call to be friends with families ... but simply as a name ...

It's all from having no friends in real life and trying to add to that in some way here.

Or it's some new disease that they haven't thought of a name for yet.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

It's all from having no friends in real life and trying to add to that somehow here.

Or it's some new disease they haven't thought of a name for yet.

To realize your thoughts properly try to read the first post of this thread ... and learn to separate the flies from the cutlets