Let's be friends - page 2

what a clever move... usually you get paid for advertising... and you decided to just be a "friend". how nice.... advertising my friend no one likes...
and at the same time there is no way without it.])))))))

Offering all forum members and beyond... your friendship........

there are so many of us that it's hard to reach and find them all.......

What it does... friendship......... first of all visibility of your page to more people (and this is advertising your work) ....

you see people offering your products .. and this is again a plus for your work.....

you get the latest news about new products, signals, expert advisors and indicators, etc.д.............

and just have someone to consult with))))))))))))))))

i have what you need.......... at the moment it's about 1000 friends who will see you and you will see them...............


You're looking for friends in the wrong place, Sergei. There are a dozen other coders on this forum who consider themselves to be at home here and don't like it when somebody from the outside starts expressing their thoughts that differ from theirs. One of them gives the command, and the general bashing begins. One person's rhetoric is immediately backed up by others, and after a couple dozen posts you start to feel like an irrational child that accidentally makes the wrong assumption. Your last post already proves that.

What about advertising, for an enterprising person who wants to learn something new, who has an inquisitive mind - it's just a treasure trove of information, which is presented in a concise form that allows you to instantly conclude whether you're interested in it and whether you can use it to your advantage.

So I wouldn't say that nobody likes advertising. Maybe some people don't like it, but not all of them.


Pulling on children's cartoons))))))))))))


По дороге с облаками
По дороге с облаками
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Мягкая игрушка "Тигренок" из любимого всеми мультфильма: http://tigrenok.apishops.ru/ Тигренок и Обезьянка отправились гулять в пасмурный день. По дороге они...
also cool)))))))))))))))
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Сказки для малышей (Владимир Сутеев) Отечественные мультфильмы http://mamaanya.ru/

got a craving for children's cartoons))))))))))))


"Friend" - look where you are again!

Let's get closer to automating your grail, but not spamming in vain.