Let's be friends


Offering all forum members and beyond... your friendship........

there are so many of us it's hard to reach and find everyone.......

What it does... friendship......... first of all visibility of your page to more people (and this is advertising your work) ....

you see people offering your products .. and this is again a plus for your work.....

you get the latest news about new products, signals, expert advisors and indicators, etc.д.............

and just have someone to consult with))))))))))))))))

i have what you need.......... so far it's about 1000 friends who will see you and you will see them...............


Крошка Енот (От улыбки станет всем светлей...)
Крошка Енот (От улыбки станет всем светлей...)
  • www.youtube.com
Мой канал: http://www.youtube.com/user/orionkosm Как хорошо, когда рядом с тобой находится мама! Но Крошка Енот подрос, ведь сегодня у него День рождения. И ...
And you will spam every single day about your products and PAMM accounts? And how great everything is.
And you will spam every single day about your products and PAMM accounts? And how wonderful everything is.

if you're being spammed by someone -- someone you soberly invite to be your "friend" -- that's not your "friend" being weird, that's you being weird, because you're deliberately promiscuous

- then move your mouse over him and uncheck the "show in the news" box and choose "remove from friends".

The passenger has exactly 500 friends -- https://www.mql5.com/ru/users/lobovsergey/achievements-- let him have his fun.

Why all this virtual dating? You have a huge list of "friends" - do you even remember a dozen of them? What are their names? Where do they work?

How does the number of friends relate to being added as a friend? Friends' friends don't show up in friends' feeds, so bragging about the number of friends is silly for a reason:

1. no one knows how many of your 500 (not 1000) friends are subscribed to your feed

2. for this to work, you need to repost all your friends' feeds to yourself or brutally entice them into your profile.

Bonus hanking and PR in its purest form, imho.


about 500 it froze after reconstructing the site or whatever ... no longer moves....

and about friendship it's not in the literal sense ...... a as I wrote a whole advertising your products and mine.....

I do not forcefully invite anyone.... I offered you to refuse or not .... entirely your right))))))))

As for spam, if you like a clean page, it's up to everyone .... I like to read what other people have going on, for example....

I mean, it's only to your advantage to make friends, those who are added do not get any benefit.

If you want more friends, make them want to be friends with you.)

why..... can be seen in my newsfeed