Arbitration - rules, regulations, deadlines.


Dear administration, I have used the search, but have not found any information on arbitration, namely rules, regulations and deadlines.

How does arbitration take place, what is the sequence and what are the deadlines?

And why is the "next" button still active on the "submit jobs" page when a contractor submits a request for arbitration?

And won't there be any automatic payment as - "If you don't confirm acceptance of the work within a week of submitting it and don't indicate rejection of acceptance, the work will be deemed accepted automatically."?


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


abolk, 2013.05.26 19:28

-- Either you or the Provider has already applied for arbitration

-- Or below the text that you cited, there should be a line: "If during the work under this Order there was a deviation from the requirements of the Statement of Work, the Customer or the Developer may apply to the Arbitration for settlement of the situation". -- if you have already submitted to arbitration, look for a post like "... referred to arbitration" in the correspondence

Only management can be more specific about what's going on.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Arbitrage is not working!

Rosh, 2012.04.09 12:08

Please write an application to Service Desk and let them know. If you really can't go to arbitration, it will be dealt with.


From the article A few tips for first-time clients

Так когда же обращаться в арбитраж?

Obviously, arbitration should be sought before the work is finished - the last stage of Handover/Payment has been passed. Otherwise, there will be no leverage over the contractor and the client. This is a prerequisite.

It appears that there can only be one cause for recourse to arbitration - the occurrence of a problem which cannot be resolved between the client and the contractor privately. For example, the client is convinced that the design passed to him is not working properly (not complying with the TOR), while the contractor is proving otherwise.

Another possibility is that the contractor or client "disappears" for an extended period of time. He does not respond to personal messages or emails, etc. At the same time, the client's money is blocked on the account, and the work is not done. Or, conversely, the work has long been done, but there is no way to get payment. Circumstances in life can be different, but nevertheless, the situation should and can be resolved by arbitration.

A common situation is when the parties rush to agree the ToR and start work. Then it turns out that the ToR in this form is not appropriate and needs more detail and clarification of some points. The cost of the job may need to be reconsidered. The only way to get the work back from this stage is through arbitration. Therefore, it is better not to rush to start the work and re-read the ToR once again.

It seems to me that in situations like this the best way is to execute the order, but so that it works on one currency pair, so that there are limitations, this will be enough for the customer to make sure of the quality of execution of what he needs.

And why, when the contractor has submitted an application to arbitration, does the "next" button remain active on the Transition of Work page?

Even if the work has gone to Arbitration, the parties can complete it in the normal way.
Even if the work has gone to Arbitration, the parties can complete it in the normal way.

To be more precise - the party, i.e. the contractor! Bringing the work to a logical conclusion and full compliance with the logic of the work described in the TOR.

But what if the implementer does not admit his mistakes made during the implementation of the logic described in the ToR, and interprets certain moments of the ToR in his own way.

And on the specified errors of the Expert Advisor, he reacts as if they were new modifications not described in the ToR. What to do with this raw product that does not work?

Search for a new developer and pay again? Moreover, few are willing to work with someone else's code!

Warnings during compilation is considered a norm - "do not pay attention, it works anyway", the deadline for execution is delayed 3-4 times - shouldn't such moments clearly affect the decision of the arbitration?

And another thing I wonder is whether the arbitration examines the terms of reference, goes into the essence of the conflict or everything happens superficially, by studying the last 1-3 pages of correspondence between the contractor and the client?


My experience (I'm not a programmer, I often act as a customer) - try to order the work from the coder you know, for example on this forum.

In that sense, it doesn't really matter how someone treats someone (on the forum in a discussion). It is important to read what people write on the forum (to be able to extract the information that is important for you, cutting out emotion, etc.). Since there are quite famous coders, and there are quite a lot of them here on the forum. And if they are constantly here on the forum (participate in discussions, etc.) - this is an important criterion that he (the coder) honors its reputation and so on.

In short - choose public coders. Then you'll never have arbitrage.


I, for example, can do some coding in mql4 too, and mostly for myself. But I'm not a coder, and if I (God forbid) get a job - I'll start reading books on programming :)

So choose those who position themselves as coders and try to choose public coders (who post on this forum).


My experience (I am not a programmer, I often act as a customer) - try to order a job with a coder you know, for example on this forum.

In that sense, it doesn't really matter how someone treats someone (on the forum in a discussion). It is important to read what people write on the forum (to be able to extract the information that is important for you, cutting out emotion, etc.). Since there are quite famous coders, and there are quite a lot of them here on the forum. And if they are constantly here on the forum (participate in discussions, etc.) - this is an important criterion that he (the coder) honors its reputation and so on.

In short - choose public coders. Then you'll never have arbitrage.


I, for example, can also code a little in mql4 and mostly for myself. But I'm not a coder, and if I (God forbid) get a job - I'll start reading books on programming :)

So choose those who position themselves as coders and try to choose public coders (who post on this forum).

Thanks for the tip! My thoughts were the same initially, but apparently have not yet given birth to the essence!

Damn it, I was caught off guard by the small amount and deadlines (which were not respected at all), although more than once ordered the writing of experts, and there were no problems!

It's better to order more expensive, but there is less headache and stress!


To be more precise - the party, i.e. the contractor! Bringing the work to a logical conclusion and full compliance with the logic of the work described in the TOR.

But what if the implementer does not admit his mistakes made during the implementation of the logic described in the ToR, and interprets certain moments of the ToR in his own way.

And on the specified errors of the Expert Advisor, he reacts as if they were new modifications not described in the ToR. What to do with this raw product that does not work?

Search for a new developer and pay again? Moreover, few are willing to work with someone else's code!

Warnings during compilation is considered a norm - "do not pay attention, it works anyway", the deadline for execution is delayed 3-4 times - should not such moments unambiguously affect the decision of the arbitration?

And what's more interesting, does the arbitration authority study the Terms of Reference, go to the heart of the conflict, or everything happens only superficially, by studying the last 1-3 pages of correspondence between the Contractor and the Customer?

The thing is that the "tasks" provided by customers are far from what is calleda "statement of work" - where everything must be clearly described in every detail.

Down to the fact what font to use when displaying information on the schedule.

In this case, the contractor has the right to refer to the provided "job": "there was not this", "this is not described in the job", etc.

And believe the arbitrator's side )

The job may not even be completed as it should be, but the arbitration can finalize the work in favor of the executor or 50/50 citing the lack of clear description in the job

And many different surprises that may present the service "work", but overall he is good)


The devil took the bait for a small sum and a deadline (which was not met at all),

I don't think the contractor is very happy about the order either. Most of the time, in such cases, it's decided on the principle of "half and half money".

Because "nothing on earth passes for nothing...". Each side has to pay for their time and nerves.