Metatrader API & Metatrader Linux - page 3


>>>TheXpert incoherent text of man who does not understand what he wants to ask.

It's quite clear what the topiker is talking about - personally I understood it perfectly ...

1-METAQUOTES has answered several times that there will be no API - there is a wonderful language MQL4, and even more wonderful MQL5.

create an API and then swallow the problems of "genius" writers?

2-Terminal for UNIX is also unlikely to be created, because in LINUX environment MT normally works through WINE

LINUX users can use WINE !

Even if you can imagine in your wildest dreams that a LINUX terminal will be created ( a lot of maintenance headaches )

- You will still need to write in MQL as there will be no API what's the point then?

install WINE and work in your favorite operating system with MT

( by the way i myself really like CentOS - i just have it installed on one of my machines )

3 - The question is why they have to create one more project ( MT a la LINUX ) - especially considering the percentage of the users that use LINUX ?

Of course any IT manager would not do it - and the methaquats have very competent management resources ---


If you write trader software in LINUX - just integrate it with the terminal

Then why should I use MT4 or MT5 at all ??? and if you talk about how great the language is MQL then you don't understand anything about programming.
Both four and five work fine under Linux.
They work under Wine! not under Linux
Do you have reliable information about poor security of MQL4-5 EAs?
And the fact that any code can be de-compiled doesn't confuse you?
They work under Wine! not Linux!
Check or drive?
They run under Wine! rather than Linux
Which in this case is sufficient and does not require separate virtualisations.

Servicedesk application #923527 has been pending since January.

The terminal crashes when connecting to the account.

Reinstalled systems, shells, wine, terminals 25 times.

All the data + access to the server was not solved.

So I abandoned this Linux.

Doesn't the fact that any code can be de-compiled confuse you?

A common phrase. If you think about it that way, anything made with Linux can also be broken.

The circle is closed. Or do you think that Linux applications cannot be hacked?

Why does Wine not suit the starter?

Then there are many more: Virtual box, qemu, vm ware ........


Many terminals have it!


Servicedesk application #923527 has been pending since January.

The terminal crashes when connecting to the account.

Reinstalled systems, shells, wine, terminals 25 times.

All the data + access to the server was not solved.

So I gave up on Linux.

You did the right thing. The main purpose is to work and earn money in the Forex market.

I have a wonderful Linux constructor for those who want to assemble what cannot be assembled, attach what cannot be attached, or mix in what cannot be attached.


You did the right thing. The main goal is to work and earn money in the Forex market.

And for those who want to assemble what cannot be assembled, attach what cannot be attached, and cram what cannot be crammed in, there is a wonderful Linux constructor for them.

Do you understand what Linux is? How it is built and how it works?