Get the credits out now, before there is a legal ban on e-money transactions! - page 6


When you give nothing away, you get nothing.

Taxes are terrible, the government has decided to destroy small businesses. Given that there is no demand, people have no money, taxes are terrible + rent, there is no profit, this is a protracted crisis and it is just the beginning. Oil will fall, the Olympics will end, they will let the ruble float freely and that will be it... A prophecy)

I have never demanded anything from the state. I have always paid for everything myself, I do not hope for a pension, I did my military duty.

I'm not going to tax the bureaucrats. It's not my prerogative.

Moreover, I do not even live in the country anymore. Why should I be criticized?


I've been in a bit of a rut until I got my WebMoney Initial Passport. More precisely - froze to death while I waited for the local attestation-personalizer.

I wonder how many have it higher than formal?

I have a personal certificate. So?


Let them introduce all sorts of bullshit. As a result, a significant portion of international payments will go to cryptocurrencies. MetaQuotes will add API for BitCoin to its payment system, and all problems with international payments will be solved.

The more they tighten the screws, the greater the demand for cryptocurrencies will be. There would be no alternative, then another matter.

It won't. For me, for example, bitcoin is unacceptable because of its gigantic volatility. I don't think any sensible seller would mess with this shit.

WebMoney passport has no effect on the ability to withdraw to the bank in Ukraine. All withdrawals to the bank at the moment blocked (of course you can exchange offices, workarounds - but this is not legitimate).
I think there is no need to be dramatic. There is always a withdrawal of WM from one of the many participants in the system. In fact, WM withdrawal in cache is always black cashing. Although in the future it looks like they will prohibit cashing out with certificates lower than the initial one. But here in Russia, the severity of the laws is compensated for by the optionality of their execution. So everyone can relax and have a beer. The only thing to worry about is the potential increase in tariffs as a result of all this legislative nonsense.

I have a personal certificate. So?

It's not going away. For me, for example, calculations in bitcoins are unacceptable, due to their gigantic volatility. I don't think any sensible seller would mess with this shit.

I don't think there's any need to be dramatic. There is always the withdrawal of WM from one of the many participants in the system. In fact, withdrawal of WM in cache is always black cashing. Although in the future it looks like they will prohibit cashing out with certificates lower than the initial one. But here in Russia, the severity of the laws is compensated for by the optionality of their execution. So everyone can relax and have a beer. The only thing to worry about is the potential increase in tariffs as a result of all this legislative nonsense.

I'm sick of the formal one...

Bitcoins are definitely g-.... pure virtual speculation.

and some are delusional about bums and parasites...

Anything you don't have the brains to understand, call bullshit )
Anything you don't have the brains to understand, call bullshit.)
No, as entertainment the bitcoins are very cool (like an advanced toy), but as a means of payment they are crap, because they don't have the basic properties of any means of payment.
Gg, confirmation of what I said above.

Очень может пройти. Есть у кого учиться - в Украине webmoney до сих пор нельзя напрямую вывести в банк.

vj;yjj it is possible to withdraw, the main thing is to know how.....

Vladon it is possible to withdraw, as long as you know how.....
Of course you can withdraw via exchangers - but these exchangers are greedy for commissions.

To be clear, bitpay, through which the lion's share of merchants do business, assumes exchange rate and transaction risks, including double spending, as it does not wait for transaction confirmations. From experience, very, very sensible and responsive people.

This is about volatility. And risk. That is even if we do not mention devaluation. And not to mention, for example, not too long ago with the chif.

Any other objections?

The only thing is that they will be obliged to have a minimum of formalities and to withdraw webmoney through the same exchangers, cards, etc. Metakvotsam themselves unprofitable if their cash cow will stand. They will invent something. Options on the subject - a lot, the same pioneer and so on. Give our lawmakers a reason to pick our pockets. That is why they get their salaries and regularly raise them for their loved ones.