News for EUR/USD - page 5


Time to start a thread: spam, spammers and their accomplices...


Time to start a thread: spam, spammers and their accomplices...


If you don't like it, don't read it.



If you don't like it, don't read it.

You don't deny it's spam?

19.00 4+ USA, November: ISM Non-Manufacturing Business Activity Index: 53.9 vs 55.4
19.01 4+ USA, September: First-time home sales: 354,000 vs. 421,000
19.02 4+ USA, September: First-time home sales: 444,000 vs. 421,000

That it is spam, you do not deny it?

Dear Contender.


Спам — Википедия
Спам (англ.  ) — рассылка коммерческой и иной рекламы или иных видов сообщений лицам, не выражавшим желания их получать.[1] После Второй мировой войны остались огромные запасы этих консервов, изготовленные для снабжения во время войны не только американских солдат, но и солдат союзников по программе ленд-лиза. Для того, чтобы сбыть свою...
19.03 4+ USA, October: First-time home sales: 421,000 vs. 354,000

Dear Contender.


Any other links?

Hi all, I will post here the latest news in Russian for the EUR/USD pair.

The time isin Moscow.

I would advise for example

  • to separate the technical analysis from the fundamental one, at least with posts.
  • do technical analysis using MT5 methods with all levels with charts, that can be repeated in MT5, using indicators from MT5 CodeBase
  • the fundamental content - from the source with a link
  • to allocate external links in a separate branch (in order to store external links in one branch only, and not to litter the forum with external content)

That's when your work, your text, copied text, etc., will be visible. That's when opinions will go in the thread, not flooding.

This is what I advise you as your English-speaking competitor.

But in this way it turns out that you say, and Bernanke says ... :)