News for EUR/USD - page 3

15.00 4+ Eurozonebank stress tests next year will cover a three-year period, Yves Mersch, an executive board member with the European Central Bank, said on Wednesday.
"Presumably the stress tests will cover a three-year period and include two scenarios: a baseline scenario and a stress scenario," Mersch said in a speech in Berlin.
The ECB has been taking over the supervision of Eurozone banks since November 2014, and is reviewing the balance sheets of the Eurozone's largest financial institutions in an attempt to boost confidence in European banks and encourage new lending to the private sector. The review will include a risk assessment, a balance sheet assessment and a stress test conducted with the European Banking Authority and is expected to be completed by the time the ECB starts to supervise.
Earlier attempts to test the resilience of Eurozone bank balance sheets, including the "stress tests" from London-based EBA, have drowned in doubt. The stress tests, which covered a two year period, were highly compromised by a lack of political will to provide the money to cope with capital shortfalls. Several banks passed these tests but only went bust shortly afterwards.
While the ECB must decide whether a bank is viable, it has the power to create a strategy to reorganise or liquidate the bank. To this end, the two organisations can work together and the ECB can act as an observer within the limits of its powers, Mersch said.
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16.01 4+ USA: Mortgage bank refinancing index -17.5% to 1,602.1 from 1,942.6
16.01 4+ USA: Mortgage bank market index -12.8% to 392.1 from 449.6
16.38 4+ The market wants to understand whether the strong job growth in October was a fluke or a sign that the labour market will expand at a faster pace in coming months. Looking for a new clue, analysts are waiting for Friday's employment report from the government and are focused on today's ADP private sector jobs report for November.The current dataset shows significant discrepancies between the estimates released by the ADP and the government. Indeed, the ADP reports for the last four months show a weakening of the labour market to its lowest level since April. Economists think to see a significantly higher monthly gain in November compared to the previous update: 185,000 new jobs for private payrolls versus 130,000 in October. If the outlook holds, there is little more certainty that strong government reports have a basis in fact. In that case, the market can assume that official jobs on Friday will not be lower than forecast.
17.13 4+ The US dollar index rose to an 11-week high ahead of the release of US private sector employment data today. Economists say US companies increased hiring last month .
The US currency rose against 11 of 16 major currencies ahead of today's reports. The Australian dollar fell to a three-month low after the economy grew less than forecast by analysts in the third quarter. The Canadian dollar has fallen to a three-year low, the central bank will announce a decision today.
"The US economy is surprisingly strong," said Carl Hammer, currency strategist-analyst at SEB AB in Stockholm The dollar index against 10 major currencies , rose 0.1% to 1,021.84 after rising to 1,025.36 yesterday, the highest level since September 13.
The dollar was little changed at 102.49 yen after rising to 103.38 yesterday, its highest level since May 23. The US currency was also little changed from $1.3590 per euro. The yen is trading at 139.27 per euro .
17.14 4+ USA: November, private sector employment index+ 215,000
17.25 4+ US treasury bond yields rose after favourable ADP employment data as positive employment data increases the likelihood of the Fed cutting bond purchases soon.
The 10-year Treasury yield reached a 2.5-month high of 2.832%.

17.30 4+ USA: October, Trade balance - $40.6 billion

US: October, Exports $192.7 billion