How do I get my money back for the signal if the signal provider drained my deposit 5 days after I signed up for a paid subscription? - page 3

Why should everyone leap to the Forex and stock market? Put your money in a bank at 8-13 percent per annum - you will get guarantees there and you will be responsible for everything! You can show at least one resource, a broker, a signal service - yes, everything that relates to trading on the market where they give guarantees and no risks. (You need to grow up - adolescence may take too long).
To my mind, in your example, when people really mature, they would rather buy Eurobonds of sufficient safety category, preferably denominated in USD or CHF (8-13% is bank yield for ruble deposit which in itself says about insufficient maturity :)), and in addition, if they mature enough, they will buy them against their own collateral. And a ruble deposit in the bank, in your particular example again, is more of a "remnant of adolescence - the initial stage of maturity. Although this is just my personal opinion.

So what was the problem with not agreeing to the rules and not subscribing to the signal?

When subscribing, you yourself ticked the box "I agree to the terms of subscription to trading signals".

Well, I didn't subscribe.... At the moment the "signals" service is tantamount to me having a deposit that is handed over to who knows who, plus I still have to pay for it in order for someone there to drain my money.... This is utter nonsense.

Why does everyone fuss over the Forex and stock market? Put your money in a bank at 8-13% per annum - you will get guarantees there and you will be responsible for everything! You can show at least one resource, a broker, a signal service - yes, everything that relates to trading on the market where they give guarantees and no risks. (You need to grow up - adolescence may take too long).

Have you decided to share your personal example with me?

Just one thing I do not understand, how is your adolescence associated with the service "Signals" and not satisfied with the above rules?


There is the stock market, there is the real estate market. There is the signals market - there are already so many providers and subscribers in this service - that it is already a market.

And the way the topicstarter started the thread is essentially a demand for the regulator of this market (the MC) to regulate this market. But we've already been over regulated markets - that would be the USSR :)

Another example. Suppose there is a company, as comedian Petrosian said, "we are a salt-and-pepper - here's a table, and here's a table" ... And if a lot of people have invested a lot of money in this so-called ftrma, then this "tubaretka" will become a diamond ... the guys will just initiate bankruptcy, and get away with the money.

What if they invest in Rosneft or Sberbank, for example?

After all, when an investor is thinking about where to invest, he looks at everything. The same applies to subscription to signals. You do not need to worry about the market, because it is a market too.

What the topicstarter is proposing is to set a precedent, which will lead to a general negative trend due to over-regulation of the market (the topicstarter's proposal), and bring down the market. But in investing it's like this: make a mistake - lose money, start over, or leave the market.

My personal opinion I apologize.


Well, I didn't subscribe.... At the moment the "signals" service is tantamount to me having a deposit handed over to who the fuck knows who, plus I still have to pay for it in order for someone there to drain my money.... This is utter nonsense.

Well... first of all, judging by your nickname, you're easily a drain on your own money... humor...

You pay for your deposit to be increased for you, well .... or dumped, which is also natural. Everyone knows about it. When subscribing to the signal, a man agrees with the risk - the risk of losing money for subscription along with his deposit.

What's stopping you from signing up for a free signal? Then you only risk losing your deposit. Or multiply it...

And why won't a trader who has subscribed to the paid signal be indignant that he/she paid too little for the signal in case his/her deposit will be increased due to subscription to the paid signal? Let him open a branch demanding to pay more to the signal provider for such an achievement - he multiplied all Subscribers' deposits... Does it seem funny to you? And why the opposite situation does not make you laugh?

You have to choose providers who trade with a leverage of 1 to 10 or less. Also, don't chase super profits.

It just goes like this....

In order to avoid dealing with various headmasters, MetaQuotes has written "rules" which only say one thing: if you don't subscribe, it is your problem, trade the way you want, if you subscribe, it is also your problem. And we're all out of it.... it's all forex.... there's all these risks...

I know about the risks without you.

I am interested in another question. Let's say you bought a season ticket for a month to a sauna, solarium, swimming pool or wherever else.... And then a week later you're told that... "no more movie." And the natural question arises: "Guys, I kind of paid for a month? You either provide the service or you get your money back."

Makes sense? It does...

And what does the office, which is the intermediary between the "Seller" and the "Buyer", tell us about this?

Nothing!!! You guys are on your own and we have nothing to do with it.

So why the hell did MetaQuotes create this service if they weren't going to regulate it in the first place?

Why are there no penalties for sellers at all?

They could have just sat back... ...write their own Expert Advisors and don't worry about it.

Торговая платформа MetaTrader 5 для организации брокерского обслуживания / MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Торговая платформа MetaTrader 5 предназначена для проведения торговых операций на различных финансовый рынках. Терминал обладает большой базой аналитических возможностей и поддерживает более 70 различных инструментов для выполнения технического анализа

Make a suggestion about paying for signals on a daily basis. But then again, there will be those who will demand a refund for the day if the account is drained on that day because of the provider.

Propose to pay for the signal subscriber's account so that the money is taken from his account as a percentage of his profit for the trading day.

There's a lot to think about. But I don't think Metacquotes is obliged to act as a babysitter for everyone here.


I have a different question. Let's say you buy a season ticket for a month to a sauna, solarium, swimming pool or wherever.... And after a week you get the announcement that... "no more movie." And the natural question arises: "Guys, I kind of paid for a month? You either provide the service or you get your money back."

Makes sense? It does...

And what does the office, which is the intermediary between the "Seller" and the "Buyer", tell us about this?

That's all right. We have nothing to do with it.

But suppose the trader hasn't lost the money, but simply did not trade the rest of the month. Then, according to your logic, in this case he must return your money? And what if his trading system is designed that way? In general, there are a lot of slippery slopes. So let it go. You better thank this trader that he suddenly lost money, and not after several months. Otherwise, this "subscription" would have cost you a lot more ))

In general, all these signals are good only as a training guide for beginners, nothing more. If you want to have a REAL chance to earn something from investing in trading, then just buy or sell pams, no other options.


Well... first of all, judging by your nickname, you're easily a drain on your own money... humor...

You are paying for the deposit to be increased for you, well .... Or lost, which is also natural. And everyone knows about it. When subscribing to the signal, a man agrees with the risk - the risk of losing money for subscription along with his deposit.

What's stopping you from signing up for a free signal? Then you only risk losing your deposit. Or multiply it...

And why won't a trader who has subscribed to the paid signal be indignant that he/she paid too little for the signal in case his/her deposit will be increased due to subscription to the paid signal? Let him open a branch demanding to pay more to the signal provider for such an achievement - he multiplied all Subscribers' deposits... Does it seem funny to you? And why the opposite situation does not make you laugh?

Do you understand.... I don't give a damn who and what they lost or earned.

I'm even "in favor" of successful Signal Sellers, whose Subscribers have earned themselves a handsome sum of money, to introduce a commission, something like a reward for their efforts.

All I need from MQ is quality service. I need the possibility of money management. I cannot sit and watch someone else drain my money, because I can do it myself, and it will be more, so to say, spectacular.

Let's say.... Why is there no possibility to put up a lot? After all, all MQ offers is a percentage of money to be used when you connect to the signal.

Why not make it possible for a Subscriber to set the volume of trades?

Why can't I trade in an account that is subscribed to a signal? No well, not exactly impossible.... You can open a deal yourself, but after a couple of minutes you will get a window showing that your open positions do not correspond to the incoming signals. And then the choice is all to close and synchronize, or resolve the situation manually. And this table will bother you until you synchronize your positions with the Seller.

Why couldn't you stick the number "magik" to the signal? Let it be assigned automatically and generated, say, based on the date when the subscription was made. If a Seller does something stupid at the moment of subscription, I want to be able to fix it and preferably without annoying signs which cannot even be disabled.

Suppose someone decides to try the Signals service. They opened an account to which they deposited a purely symbolic amount of money. For example: 100 quid. Then he or she signs up for a subscription and agrees to the "Rules" ...... :))) Well, yes, of course, of course, how can he not agree with them.... Then, he chooses the amount of the deposit, which he will give to the Vendor. And last, most importantly, he puts the volume of transactions on his own, or chooses to fully copy the Seller's volumes. And lastly, the delay in execution, if the deal opened at one price with the Seller, and the Buyer's price has already "jumped" to a certain number of points, the deal is not opened at all.

What do I want a lot of?