Why have subscriptions been banned on the grounds of "too high a yield" ? - page 30


What is the attraction? The pricing mechanism? Well I'm not naive enough to believe in the adequacy of the USN demos especially in kitchens. I thought the grail had some basis at least partly related to reality, but it's just a toy.

The same thing happens time and time again, yes! It does draw attention, but not for the purpose of education, only to a particular kitchen. As you know PR has no colour or pole, even stable boys know that, for example when a well-known horse rider will sleep with the wife of a stud farm owner, in spite of small short term troubles, it will help him go on in life if many people know about it. And as you know, it's all about who you are in life. "Who are you?! Goodbye!" It's not just about people, it's also about organisations, they shake the air and skim the cream.

It was just a matter of getting attention, and whoever had to do it, did it.
I have been there for a year now. I just needed to attract attention, and whoever needed to do it did it.

Sanek, you see, the thing is, there's a lot to draw attention to. I've been sitting there for a year.

I am so happy after inst, alpari and especially after brocco, MRC and so on. I have my moments, but they are already working.


Sanek, you see, the thing is, there's a lot to draw attention to. I've been sitting there for a year now.

I have a good feeling after Inst, Alpari, and especially after brocco, MRC and so on. Although there are moments, but they are already working.

So Renat is right, all this is to draw attention to new kitchens with new opportunities?

for sure they don't have the best spread, they just do not have the best spread for everybody and so they start taking the same losses as before but with the new commissions )


So from all the shouting and moaning, I understand the following: We have a simulation of market manipulation. There are two accounts with two bots, the first is losing to the second. The first one gets exposed, the second one hides.

You have not understood anything. The example, invented by hrenfx and demonstrated by MetaDriver, opens the veil on the pricing mechanism on the true-ECN platforms. The "as is" example is useless from a practical point of view, but it gives rise to very interesting ideas that may well lead to the creation of a combatable, effective algorithm. I honestly don't understand why many people in their discussions focus on the growing balance or the fact of overflow, when it's just a side effect of the mechanism that has been demonstrated to us in a completely unselfish manner.

My respect to Volodya and especially to hrenfx, to whose posts I was overly categorical.


Is Renat right, it's all about drawing attention to new kitchens with new features?

it's not quite like that.

The aim was to draw attention to the opportunities provided by Matching.

Matching (participation of client orders in the formation of the market rate) is a normal exchange function, which until now (before the appearance of "true-ECN") did not exist in the forex market.

Matching is not a magic potion, it does not guarantee profitability and, like any opportunity, it can be a double-edged sword.

However, a highly profitable high-frequency trade without matchmaking is virtually impossible.

By the way, Renat's team is working on an ExchangeServer for MT5, which (if successful) may make matching available to the general public.


so what if they allow you to trade on the spread, there is not enough spread for everyone, so you'll be losing just like before with the commission )

how is it any different from "not enough forex for everyone"?

?? :)

The question is: what is the difference between success and failure?


You still don't get it. The example invented by hrenfx and demonstrated by MetaDriver reveals the pricing mechanism of true-ECN platforms. The "as is" example is useless from a practical point of view, but it gives rise to very interesting ideas that may well lead to the creation of a combatable, effective algorithm. I honestly don't understand why many people in their discussions focus on the growing balance or the fact of overflow, when it's just a side effect of the mechanism that has been demonstrated to us in a completely unselfish manner.


My respect to Volodya and especially to hrenfx, to whose posts I was overly categorical.

You are welcome. I am very happy that someone is getting the "main message" of the whole endeavor.

Thank you for understanding.


Tales of our forest:

Новость в лесу: открыл hrenfx заяц обменник. Меняет рубль на рубль двадцать копеек.

Звери в удивлении. Как так? В чем обман?

Лиса обменяла, все нормально. Не кинул косой. Деньги настоящие, вот рубль и 20 копеек. Потянулись звери. Волк, олень, даже ежик приходил.

Думают, когда же Косой разорится. А он все меняет и меняет.

Дошла наконец весть до Медведя. Пришел разобраться что к чему:
- Косой, меняешь?
- Меняю!
- Рубль на рубль двадцать?
- Да!

Обменялись, деньги настоящие. Медведь в непонятках:
- Косой, а в чем бизнес то?
- Ну видишь, беру рубль и меняю на рубль двадцать
- Не держи за дурака, вижу. Косой, ты хоть рентабельность считал?
- Да нафиг мне эта рентабельность, ты посмотри зато какие обороты!!!

Not a bad video on high-frequency algotrading:


that's not exactly how it works.

The aim was to draw attention to matchmaking opportunities.

They are attracting hamsters, he cannot trade with himself, or rather he can, but he does not benefit from it, so he needs meat.

why would he want to attract competitors to his kush, it's stupid, and i don't believe in his good intentions, to educate the masses.

the main difference between this and "there may not be enough forex for everyone".

?? :)

Why would he go to FORTS and do the same thing there? I am sure he is on Forex because something does not work there.) (of course, there is also the possibility that he simply does not get into it).

There's a market place where you can collect a story, and with his "money" you can hire a pro who will write algorithms based on his strategy if he can't do it himself.

Some may profit or lose. make a smart TS and earn money. make a dumb one and lose. freedom, yeah.

But, you may use them for profit if you do not know what to do with them.


He cannot trade with himself, or he can, but he does not benefit from it, so he needs meat.

he can't trade by himself, but he does not get any profit from it and he needs the meat.

"Hungry man knows no hungry man. i

He believes that it is difficult to go to the FORTS and do the same thing there, I am sure he is on the FORTS because something does not work there.) (of course, there is an option that he simply does not understand).

the same thing you can "present" to any forex trader. yourself, for example. what does it have to do with the mysterious "he" ?

So what is the difference between this and trading with market indicators?

the question seems to be rhetorical? what should i answer? "nothing"? or explain the difference between market orders and limiters? why?)

// Or is this a provocation in the hope to get a 100% profitable TS ?)