Why have subscriptions been banned on the grounds of "too high a yield" ? - page 12


Driver is very patient!

And hrenfx seems to have a red face from facepalm.



Is it supposed to be like that( ?
should be as in the signals.
Oh! I haven't worked with signals, maybe that's the reason.
  • www.gkfx.ru
Это противостояние длилось годами. Настоящая война двух технологий и двух методов исполнения. Сторонники каждой из них образовали целую армию. И вот наконец настало время решающей битвы! В ближайшие несколько недель нам суждено узнать, кто сильнее - или . А на чьей стороне ты? Определяйся и вступай в свой легион! Докажи, что ты лучший в очной...
metadriver checked

He tested it on a demo, in real time. Not for long. There would be a sharp drop in gep. Or just on heavy movement.

It's not for nothing that Dickflex synthesized the flat instruments.

But how do you set the limit on synthetics?



He tested it on a demo, in real time. Not for long. There would be a sharp drop in gep. Or just on heavy movement.

It's not for nothing that Dickflex synthesized the flat instruments.

But how do you set the limit on synthetics?


I don't think there's anything wrong with the ask in the tester either, although the FX broker also keeps the ask history and seems to be racing in the tester
CodeBase is not a panacea. Whoever needs it can find it.
Thanks, I've bookmarked it.

And that's what all the fuss is about? )

Man, two bots, one loves the other, how much excitement is there watching this love ))

ZS: has anyone really just figured out how the price is formed? )

ZZZY: bitcoin, it also works, tried it 3 weeks ago, only the commission is big )


ZS: Has anyone just figured out how the price is formed? )

Nah... The funny thing is that some people still don't understand the principles of pricing ))))
Nah... the funny thing is that some people still don't understand the principles of pricing ))))

then you have to say it's magic and no one understands how it all works.

you'll see, they'll believe it faster than what you're trying to explain )