Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 80

I think 195-200 on the BTCs, not yet, they will sell out and go on.
The question now is whether the 200 stump will break through. We'll see there. If not, 190 is the bar.
The question now is whether the 200 stump will make it. We'll see then. If not, 190 bar.

I don't know if they're glitching too, or if I'm looking in the wrong place:


I'm shocked myself.)

I do not understand what the hell. Bitcoin goes down and your money goes down, we wait for growth, bitcoin goes up and your money goes down.

You're... ...not so... not so...


I do not understand what bullshit. Bitcoin goes down and your funds drop, wait for growth, bitcoin goes up and your funds drop.

You should ... You're... you're... you're... you're not... you're not...

I am using the Negro principle.)

If you do not see it, it's not growth, but growth is absurd:


I noticed that once you started looking at signals, the means tab was the first tab)
I use the Negro principle.)

Where the hell did you find a nigger?

Screw him, you're better off copying Andriyuha's


Where the hell did you find a nigger?

Fuck him, I'd rather you copy Andriyukha.

I'm just gonna copy and this motherfucker's gonna turn around,

No, he said a bearish trend is a bearish trend, and nobody cares if it's going up.

it's too late for me.


No, he said bearish is bearish

Um... bearish? ...well... what do you think is bullish?


Um... bearish? ...well... what do you think is bovine?

i said bearish and don't argue.

are you a bear or not a bear? )


bearish I said and don't argue.

Are you a bear or not a bear? )

Watch how the current rise of the bitcoin works out