If MetaTrader 6 comes out tomorrow - page 11


"If only mushrooms could grow in your mouth".

What's with the snot? You can't find it, look, take it and do it.

It is important to understand that YOU (MQL coders and programmers, ready for a penny ... ) are one of the main commercial advantages of MT. In any interprize solucion - tikits and wishes from the coders (even the most delusional ones) are at least a high priority in the review. You can and should vote with your feet, not beg for years for features.

Fuck Linux, only masdae. Nah C# and Java, and along with them kilotons, years of fine-tuned practices and solutions - the vast majority of which have open-source analogues. As for me, it's better to fuck with this apple spitting approach. As a last resort, I can always rewrite the code in MQL.


"Oh if only mushrooms would grow in your mouth".

What's with the snot? You don't have enough - look, look, take it and do it.

It's important to understand that YOU (MQL coders and programmers, ready for a penny ... ) are one of the main commercial advantages of MT. In any interprize solucion - tikits and wishes from the coders (even the most delusional ones) are at least a high priority in the review. You can and should vote with your feet, not for years begging for features.

Fuck Linux, only masdae. Nah C# and Java, and along with them kilotons, years of fine-tuned practices and solutions - the vast majority of which have open-source analogues. As for me, it's better to fuck with this apple spitting approach. As a last resort, I can always rewrite the code in MQL.

You don't have to be like that. There's a good forum here, and a codebase. There are a lot of interesting articles. And all of them in Russian. I switched to C# and the platform it uses right after MQL5. It has become absolutely clear that the "human trials" will never end here. The rest is great - great forum, codebase, signals, championships, etc.

ToporMT5: Why are you doing this? There's a good forum, and a good codebase.
A technologically savvy and dedicated community is indeed an advantage. And low prices for products and services does not mean low quality of code at all. This can be an evidence of very dense competition, as well as a consequence of the fact that programmers who specialize (specialize) in Jobe and Market are not easy to retrain in a different development environment. Hostages willy-nilly.
I'll add one simple dream: I want scrolling the mouse wheel together with the Ctrl key already pressed to give the graph a zoom, rather than scrolling it as it is now.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Свойства объектов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Свойства объектов
  • www.mql5.com
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Свойства объектов - Документация по MQL5
I'll add one simple dream: I want scrolling the mouse wheel together with the Ctrl key already pressed to give the graph a zoom, rather than scrolling it as it is now.


I also want standard ring buffers in both the terminal and indicators. And I want to be able to dynamically change the size of the buffer [ring] when needed.

Gentlemen, you're imagining things... He who pays the girl, dances the dance. In this case it's the DCs who pay, what do you think, even in those that are sort of "hybrid", what proportion of the profits from "toxics" broadcast directly to the world, which in the hierarchy higher up are able to tolerate from the DCs? Statistically 2-3% in general those who keep above zero and even if so, there is still no point in encouraging software developers to develop functionality as all those higher up the food chain will not be happy about it. Starting from banks and aggregators where the brokerage companies output skew and ending with large funds and brokerage companies themselves that have their own algorithmic trading departments and are not interested that very talented beggar has an opportunity to step on their toes.

It would be reasonable to keep this type of software at the border, to prevent massive outflow and to keep it tight. As it actually happens. And it shows the competent way to manage this kind of company. In principle it cannot be otherwise in this sphere. Deprivation is occurring at all levels, from a lack of sufficient initial capital at which the risk seems reasonable, to misinformation in the means of development.

I wouldn't be surprised if they restrict exchange with dll by third parties soon, under the pretext of protection and some kind of incompatibility with a super cool architecture.

You just need to understand humanly the forces that shape company policy. You can not sit on two chairs in this case. And mt4 not to lose the kitchen clients and mt5 to enter the exchanges, this is a woman's policy in a man's game.

You should write detectives, or better yet, fiction. No offence.
And I would like it to already be possible to write it into a file after optimisation, which can be loaded back into MT5 at any time, as if the optimisation had just been done, without having to write everything into XML.
And I would like to be able to write it into a file, which can be loaded back into MT5 at any time, as if the optimization has just been done, without having to write everything into XML.

It's about time this was done in MT4 and MT5 !!!

Maybe one more riot to raise?

The request has been ignored for a year now, as if they don't understand the normal logical need of the masses, or as if the technical problems are unbelievable.

// I don't care about XML, let it be XML, the main thing is that you can load it back to tester. Open file dialog, search by file name and load.


mmm... hmmm...

i personally think that MQL5 language is good enough to describe everything, even indescribable, depending on your imagination. so, shuffling into sharps is nonsense and has little practical value.

what i've always stood for, personally, is making the platform into something very similar to.... no, as of today there is nothing similar to what a research trader-programmer platform should look like.

Let's look at what we have at the moment:

1. a very powerful programming language, sufficient to solve any tasks related to calculations and directly to trading.

2. Multithreading in calculations, optimization. (OCL, cloud, multithreaded local hardware load).

3. Willingness to work in any markets. I emphasize - readiness.

It provides the most comprehensive possibility of working with standard graphical objects, up to custom bitmaps.

What else do you need, "old man"? MQ has been implemented (all this was once desired by users of MT).

And what is missing is the possibility of "transparent" processing of "external" information. All the quotes, I think it's clear where they come from.

Everything. Just a little bit to full trader-researcher-programmer happiness. Just a little.